Please Help Guppys Pregnant For Over 6 Weeks


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2008
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my 4 guppys are very heavily pregnant and have been pregnant for about 6 weeks now and ive turned light out as you can see from pic ive done 10% daily water changes fed them frozen food and flakes i dont know what els to do as im worried they will abort as one guppy i had was the same and she give birth to 50 dead fry they are truely jet black at back and when look from abouve there fat please help im sceared ill loose them 5teady were are you? :unsure:


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How warm is the tank? Increasing the tank temp. will sometimes help to speed things along...they certainly look huge. Try cranking the heat up to about 82 F (28 C).
Yeah, I have one that I got about a week ago and she looks about the same size as yours. I figured that I would wake up the next day and find fry in the tank, but no luck so far. This waiting game is so frustrating...I'm not a patient person.
lol same here but i cant understand its about 6 weeks and they normaly drop about 4 weeks or under
All mine previously have given birth in 4 weeks or under, but I have heard of females that gestate for 35-40 days. Are you sure that you didn't miss a drop?
1 guppy has started 4 fry so far finaley lol maybe she will start other 3 off bout time hehehe

no fry have been seen as i scoop them out and put them in my baby tank so mother can rest without them swimming in front of her and she eats them
lol no infact one of the others has now started this morning lol but the one that started last night is still black at the back and only had around 6 so far same with other but but 5
Hmmm...they looked way too huge to only be carrying 5 or 6. Do they seem at all distressed?
no they seem calm just checked the oone thats started today and counted 22 from her the other still 6

but there are some yellow eggs at bottom
yeh i thought that another one of my guppys has started to give birth and a few were dead as thay come out and about 2-3 are wiggleing realy fast i think there going to die its horrible why are they like that ,what happening never seen them swim like that could they have brain damage as i know dogs/cats do this spin around fast and do weired stuff i cryed when i saw them like that what can i do to stop them freom dropping any more like this .also if there is anybody in or around the blackburn area with a 4ft tank free or cheap please please let me know as the babys are in a 2ft tank but this is getting to small now with the amount of fry i have you see the pregnant females are in a tank of there own then when give birth the fry are then moved to the 2ft tank so please realy need bigger tank as i have id say over 150 fry and its not fair them squashed together thanks
ChrisandMarie, I would get the tank back to normal parameters. That means at least weekly 30% water changes with a good gravel vac. Temperatures back down to around 25C, check your water hardness and make sure it is not too low for livebearers. Guppies, swords, platies and mollies do not do very well in soft water. It is the reason things like "shimmy blocks" can actually be helpful in some cases. They are basically mineral blocks that slowly dissolve in your water and end up making it harder. In my own case, I need to work in the other direction for my south american egg layers and use straight tap water for my livebearers. My water isn't hard, it's almost liquid concrete. The endlers, guppies, swords platies and mollies are thriving in it but angels, barbs, danios and corydoras need my help softening the water.
Hi i realy need to do somthing ,2 x guppys gave birth last night and both gave birth to dead fry i did test on water and i have 25 amonia and the nitrate is orange and nitrite is purple i do a water change once a week what can be going wrong ive turned heater down now

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