Please Help! Extremely Cloudy Water! Tried Everything!


Mostly New Member
Aug 12, 2013
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My water is so milky cloudy that I can't barely see the castle in my 10g. The fish are all acting okay and normal and don't seem to be in distress, and my test strips are all coming out okay.
I got water clarifier, along with Prime, and do 10-20% water changes daily.
WHY ISN'T ANYTHING WORKING?! I change the filter frequently!
I have 13 2-month old fry and a momma Molly and 3 newer fry in a breeder tank. I know it's a lot of fish but please?!
I am sooooo worried that I will lose them. Like I said they are acting totally normal, eating and everything. BUT WHAT DO I DO?! I'm panicking! 
first off, do not panic,. its not as bad as all that really.
Sounds like you are cycling the tank. Is the tank cycled by any chance?
If not cycled then its a bacterial bloom, don't worry about it, its normal in new or cycling tanks.
Will go away in a few days.

By the way, test strip test are pretty inaccurate, much better off with a liquid test kit.
API master test kits are ok.

ALSO - Dont change the filter, leave it, thats where your good bacteria grows and you need that to cycle your tank.
And would not bother with the water clarifier. Best to leave alone for a day or two and see how things go.
Hope that helps you a bit 
Mine big tank did this randomly last week. Not really sure why. Went away a day or so after a large water change. I generally change about 30% a week and upped it a bit (sadly I can't actually tell you the exact numbers, it was some more, didn't count the buckets) and it cleared on it's own.
Agreed, don't mess with the filter, up the water changes, often it's a slight nitrate spike that's fed an algae bloom (and yes they're frequently white not green) or a bacterial bloom as above (which will find it's way into the filter of it's own accord).
So my tip is a water change. Good sized one, and wait it out.
So should I do a large water change or not? Should I use the Prime and Stress Coat if I do? I'm so conflicted! When I saw the filter the last time I changed it it was soooo slimy and gross. Is that how it is supposed to be?
It's been like this for like a week and I just want them to be happy! AAHHH

ALso, do I keep the fish in while doing the water change? This cycling thing confuses me so much! I read through the forums all the time but maybe I just need a personal tutor!
Yes... its supposed to get slimy and gross.  You don't need to change the filter media, just rinse it off in old tank water every so often.  Changing the filter media will force you to recycle the tank.
Whenever you change the water, you want to use a dechlorinator (Prime, Stress Coat, etc.).  Do a large water change, as prescribed by Dr. Rob 50% or so, and just wait it out a few days after that.  It will clear on its own. 
This may have been caused by the changing out of filter media, if that has happened recently.  Generally speaking, the filter media should be changed only when it is falling apart, and not before.  Rinsing it regularly will help you keep water flowing through, but not cause your bacteria to go elsewhere.
Yes, do a largish water change, do dechlorinate water with Prime before adding to tank.
Yes, filter supposed to be slimy and gross, thats the good bacteria you need to keep tank water healthy for fish so do not clean that out.
Then wait it out for a few days, keep an eye on water parameters with preferably a liquid test kit, or take to lFS for test and ask for specific numbers and post to this thread as you go along.
Your fish will be fine as long as you follow advice.
Okay, I'll do a large water change and NOT change the filter, add some prime and stress coat, and be patient. Is it okay to leave the fish in the tank as I do the water change this large?
Absolutely... just temp match the water to roughly the same as the tank - within a degree or two is fine and slightly on the lower side is better than the higher side.
Thank you everyone so much for your help. I am very new to the Livebearers and have only had two Bettas before this. I hope I don't seem too "dumb". 
Also, if any of you expert could reccomend some good rocks for the bottom of the tank and/or decorations, it would be highly appreciated. =]
Everyone here was a newbie once too and made 'dumb' mistakes and questions too.
Not to worry at all. 
Fishkeeping is an ongoing learning process 
have you got and wood in there , i have a bit that was making my water cloudy till someone here told me to get it out and soak it , worked a treat :)
Update! IT WORKED!
The water is soooo much clearer now! A little cloudy, but it might just be in tank needs to be scrubbed. Thank you so much for all your help!
Before this I had been doing 10-20% water changes every day. How often and how much water changes should  I do? Obviously, I was doing too much.
And as for rinsing off the filter... rinse it off it some of the old tank water? 
Would suggest to just a gentle rinse in old tank water.
Do NOT use tap water to rinse your filter media.
(you probably knew that anyway! just a reminder is all)
Glad your tank is finally clearing and you seem happy now. Whew! lol
25% weekly should be just fine... Monthly filter rinse, gently in old tank water.
I do this:
25% weekly
50% monthly
75% semiannually
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