Please Help As We Dont Know What To Do

ray john

New Member
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
swindon wilts
hope some one can help just a few questions ? Ive set up a new tank in oct its 5ft by 2ft by 2ft. there are not many fish in there yet but they seem happy. Water tests are ok. I do a water change every weekend and water clears for a couple of days then the water get more green as the days go on. how can i stop this ? i have a rena tank and fillter got pos zorb in the fillter . what am i doing wrong this time as i had a 2ft tank set up for a year with no problems like this. what can i do to stop it ?
i just set up a 2ft tank with some bogwood soaked it for a couple of days but still managed to make my water go greeny/brown might be that if you have any in there.
how much light is the tank getting? how much direct sunlight/daylight is the tank getting?
you say water params are fine, what exactly is your NO3 and PHO4?

Try a blackout for 48hrs. that is cover the tank to stop all light getting to it, turn off tank lights and leave for 48 hrs. do not ,peek, feed fish etc during this period.

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