Please Enlighten Me


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2006
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I have the following corries and i would love to breed them:

1 albino cory
2 bronze corries

I dont know how to tell the sex and i dont know how to breed but i would love to breed and breed successfully! I have managed to get a hold on the guppies :) They are the easiest, but goldfish, which are he easiest cold water not yet happened but i am wanting to try them next along with the corries!

So please give me a list of things i need and things i need to do to prepare, during, and after breeding!

Cories like to do in a shoal of at least 5. with a group of 5 you will very likely have both genders. I reccomend taking the albino back and buying 3 more bronze cories. Feed Frozen Bloodworms Daily in generous proportions and slowly lower thw water's temp by a degree or 2 by doing Cold Water changes.

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