Please Don't Here & Need Help!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2009
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Hi everyone,

This is our first foray into fishkeeping. We bought the tank, filled it with water added bioactive tapsafe and filter start (both from interpet) and let the tank sit for a few days before adding any fish. The tank is approx 15gallons (65litres) and has a heater and 3 stage filter which came with it. We added a bubble feature(airstone connected to pump) etc to the tank. The plants are NOT real. Temp is about 26-27C.
First we added 10 young neon tetras. After about 2 days we lost a fish. Over the next 1-2days we lost 3 more fish (found inside filter dead). We then did not have any loses for almost a week so we decided to get some more fish. In this time we have also done a 20% water change (atfer the last dead fish) and added futher amount of filter start as specified in their instructions. We want to stock up slowly and were therefore advised to get no more than 5 new fish. We chose 5 young guppies and took these home today. We added stress coat by API to the water before introducing the new fish and in order to minimise territorial behavoiur we added a few more decorations to the tank and rearranged it a bit. We also fed them a very amount of flake and tubifex dried worms straight after adding new fish to distract them. This worked well and they have integrated very well. We have 2 males guppies and 3 female ones. They are very active and swim up to the surface a lot. I was worried it might be a lack of oxygen so I upped the flow rate of the filter (it has built in bubble flow) and as we bought API master water test kit I tested the levels.
The results were quite worrying...

PH 7.6
AMMONIA 0.5 mg/L
NITRITES between 2 and 5 mg/L (hard to read color its inbetween the 2 matches)

I have read high PH makes effects of ammonia worse and I know my PH should be 7.0-7.2 and that ammonia and nitrites should really be 0. We have carried out a 20% water change just now to try to lower the levels.

Are we doing the right things and what should we do next?

Many thnx for any help :)


Also the guppies kinda went "mad" swimming fast and darting about alot just near surface mainly but since the water change they have come down from the surface a bit (they are utilising more of tank not just at surface but all of it) and appear calmer.
Please help someone.....we realise now that lfs gave us not so good advice with regard to setting up tank and adding fish so now we just want to make sure we sort this problem out quickly so as that we stress/damage fish as little as possible.
Please help someone.....we realise now that lfs gave us not so good advice with regard to setting up tank and adding fish so now we just want to make sure we sort this problem out quickly so as that we stress/damage fish as little as possible.

You are doing a very good job. You are doing all good things and your obviously the type
of person who cares about their fish. :good:
but you have highish PH and ammonia. They aren't to bad but I
reccomend at LEAST 4L water changes everyday.
Thnx for ur reply :)


performed tests again this morning results are the same. Will do further 25% water change after church. Any help or advice really appreciated!!

Hiya. Read the fish in cycling section in' the new to the forum'. Basically your fish are being poisoned by ammonia and nitrite. Daily water changes will help and if you know anyone with an aquarium that has been established for a while, ask if you can have some of their filter material and put it in your aquarium as this will boost your ' good' bacteria levels and speed up the cycling process.
thnx for reply :) I've had a read of a few of these articles now. Pity my lfs hadn't or I might have got the right advice in the first place. Even when I was there today buying the salt they were happily selling people a new tank etc and the fish straight away with it. :(

Fish seem to be doing well considering my stupidity. Bought some aquarium salt as suggested and added this to water at recommended dosage. Will that help at all? Also local lfs said to only feed fish every other day (have 6 neon tetras and 5 guppies) to help lower nitrites etc. I don't know how it happened so quick but after cleaning gravel and performing 50% water change I found some babies (fry?) don't know which species they are. Tried to isolate them so they don't get eaten but as there is a lot of cover I don't think I got them all (there is a least one still swimming free). How do I look after these?? At moment they are in unused tupperware box with water from aquarium plus conditioned tap water and I put a small ornament fm big tank in for them to hide under. Have no spare this good enough??

Water change did NOT alter readings much at all. Will do another tomorrow and keep testing.

Unfortunately, I don't know anyone with established tank but will ask mum if she does.

Anything else I should be doing?

Thnx for ur time

any advice regarding the babies have counted at least 8 in total?! PLEASE HELP

Done another 40-50% water change today. Fish appear well. Babies are still ok too. Water stats after change are:

ammonia 0
nitrites 1
nitrates 20 mg/L

This is much better than yesterday. I took the readings at roughly the same time after the change as yesterday and results have lowered so hopefully we are over the worst.

Any tips or advice so that it carries on improving?? Also do I need to top up aquarium salt( i dosed it yesterday for first time) and if so how much???


Nikki :)
Great Job so far keep up with what your doing. When it comes to babies you can get liquifry food from your LFS which you can feed them on for the first few days then you can start feeding on crushed flake or pellet food and small Brineshrimp or frozen feed

Keep up with those water changes !

Kizz :D
Thnx for quick reply :)

So far have been feeding fry hard boiled egg yolk (mixed with tank water to dissolve) and flakes crushed up fine as nearest shop is 40 mins away but will get special food this ok?

thnx again!

Great Job!
Seems to be getting better! :good:
Keep water changing and test your water daily!
The fry will be guppies they breed like rabbits!

You are doing fine - daily water changes, don't worry about your Ph it will be fine, forget about the aquarium salt the fish you have don't need it - all they need is good clean water.
thnx for the replies's good to know support and advice is out there.
Will keep up the water changes etc daily and see what happens.

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