Please Critique My Moss

Yeah I doubt its java moss, a close up pic of a few strands and we could tell for sure. The first time I bought weeping moss I thought I was doing something wrong it hardly grew at all, when I got real weeping moss I could see that I had been sold a terrestrial moss, most of which will survive and even grow a little underwater for a few months.
Yeah I doubt its java moss, a close up pic of a few strands and we could tell for sure. The first time I bought weeping moss I thought I was doing something wrong it hardly grew at all, when I got real weeping moss I could see that I had been sold a terrestrial moss, most of which will survive and even grow a little underwater for a few months.

Thats what I think happened to me :unsure:
looks like the moss that they use for reptiles, expected like someone throw it into the water and sold it to you

are u in Uk or usa if your in usa i cud send you some if u want
It was only a couple of quid off ebay - it certainly doesnt look like the pic!

I think i'll just get some more, its a pain because my Lfs only does it on coconuts and stuff but thats not really the look I'm after - so i think i'll have to risk ebay again.

frozenbarb - thanks for the offer its very kind but i live in the england

a close up picture of the green stuff:

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I have never bought anything on-line myself due to the number of complaints that I hear about and read about. I do have a few friends that have never had any problems as well. I guess it's luck. As for your photo, definitely a moss of some kind. Don't throw it out. Nurse it back to health just in case the next order is the same. Take the good ones and place them in a fine net or small clear container in your tank. It'll grow quite fast. Its a low demanding plant so there really isn't much to do with it except to sit and wait.
What is that little red string-like thing in the picture? If it's coming from the moss then it's definately not java moss. And I haven't sen any aquatic mosses like that either so it just might very well be terrestrial.
What is that little red string-like thing in the picture? If it's coming from the moss then it's definately not java moss. And I haven't sen any aquatic mosses like that either so it just might very well be terrestrial.

Could be the little flower/seed head things my java moss just sent up some.

Hey miniman look in the buy/sell section of this very forum thats where I got a load of healthy java moss.
What is that little red string-like thing in the picture? If it's coming from the moss then it's definately not java moss. And I haven't sen any aquatic mosses like that either so it just might very well be terrestrial.

Could be the little flower/seed head things my java moss just sent up some.

Hey miniman look in the buy/sell section of this very forum thats where I got a load of healthy java moss.
This is true. Or checkout the Swap N Shop section at they always have moss for sale, and you might even get some for free! I got some free Java Moss and free Java Fern plantlets, aswell as free shrimp food .... am now getting some free spirulina ... been offered free watersprite/anarchis .... :drool: :hyper:
Not a lot of UKers on there compared to here but still a top class site they have helped me with my shrimp :)
yea is but mostly people form there are from usa, and mostly people from here at from Uk

i dont think thats java moss
What is that little red string-like thing in the picture? If it's coming from the moss then it's definately not java moss. And I haven't sen any aquatic mosses like that either so it just might very well be terrestrial.

Could be the little flower/seed head things my java moss just sent up some.

Hey miniman look in the buy/sell section of this very forum thats where I got a load of healthy java moss.

What flower seed things? I've never heard or seen such a thing. Are you sure you have java moss? Any pictures?
Well thanks for the feedback but I have chucked it now! It was only a couple of quid and I dont want to put something in my tank if i dont know what it is.. plus I have since been told plants slow down cycling (which i've just started) so I think I'll start again on the moss route when I've finished. Also thrown the slate- it was rubbish anyway and didnt look right in the tank - wood and plants - thats what I'm about!

THanks again :flowers:
What is that little red string-like thing in the picture? If it's coming from the moss then it's definately not java moss. And I haven't sen any aquatic mosses like that either so it just might very well be terrestrial.

Could be the little flower/seed head things my java moss just sent up some.

Hey miniman look in the buy/sell section of this very forum thats where I got a load of healthy java moss.

What flower seed things? I've never heard or seen such a thing. Are you sure you have java moss? Any pictures?

Umm it sent up 2 little pod like things, almost like little brown snowdrops.I just assumed they did that.I got the java moss from a member here.

Heres the best pic I could get of them.

Are you sure that's coming from the moss? :unsure: I've had my moss for a while now and it is growing great, but I have never seen anything like that come from it. In fact, I've never seen anything like that at all in all of the pictures and descriptions of java moss. I certainly don't think that's one of the way it propagates.
I have had java moss, produce the same little seed (spore) pods when some of it was above the water. Other mosses aquatic and terrestrial reproduce in the same way. Back on topic Miniman that moss is best off in the bin, its definately not java moss it would probably just rot eventually under water.

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