Please Comment On My Upgraded Mudskipper Tank :)


New Member
Mar 27, 2012
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If u look at the 3rd topic in the brackish section you can see what my tank looked like before.
I've decided that the tank is much to small for a African mudskipper and i've set up a new 930mm by 45mm by 35mm tank (175L), In which i want to get a other african mudskipper for and maybe two guppy/mollies for the water :good:
the mudskipper arnt that big so i dn't think the guppies will be a problem ? comment otherwise...
please say what u think of the tank. :good:
the pics are taken of my blackberry so hope they come out clear :rolleyes:


  • IMG00165-20120827-1632.jpg
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sorry the pics never came out well, take some more at a later stage
It looks very nice to me. I haven't got a tank yet so all this is second hand. If I remember correctly Atlantic Mudskippers fight with both males and females of their species. Most other mudskippers don't fight much within their species. Is the sand slanted to the bottom of the aquarium? I can't tell if is in the picture. If its not you could slant it to the bottom instead of a platform and put in some fiddler crabs instead of more mudskippers. They have most of the same requirements as mudskippers and even live with them in the wild. Be sure to get larger crabs if you do because your mudskipper might eat smaller ones. Hope your tank works well.
Hi Jason,
from what I read on mudskippers, P. barbarus is a real psychopath. Unless you can provide a really ample beach with visual separations, I wouldn't put more than one of them in a tank. Also, as Neale Monks often emphasized in these pages, anything small enough in a mudskipper tank will end up as food for them, and anything big enough will scare them from entering the water, thus shortening their life.
Do read the many threads on skippers on this forum. There's a recent one warning exactly about aggressive african mudskippers can be.
Good luck!

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