Chuck, Leader Of Ze People.
This is like the Xbox gamertag topic, only for PS3...
James_fish - jameshurst7
Simonas - Simmo2702
Gaz Gun Man - gazgunman
Raptorrex - raptorrex-666
Jameshughes1989 - ASSASIN_HUGHES
EliseW (and her son) - meiktila148
ZoddyZod - ZoddyZod
Chishnfips - thebloomonkey
Oscar Betta - aidan2110
Chrisrm - cottonsox
Stevereade - taking_names
Catfish00 - HairyBawBag
b0b95 - killslayer10
SensesFail - sensesfailyou
Fishkeeper35 - larosa1
Walkers101 - LAN3YCHRIS1987
Jammiedodger - Azrael2010
Malawi MaD - ADDiCT3D_2_BASsS
Weezawoo - Weezawoo
Chrisodapz - chrisodapz
M.R Otter - Avian_boy
Davehutton92 - xNever-Ending
Carl- Carl-Moon
So comment with your Addy and get on the list!
James_fish - jameshurst7
Simonas - Simmo2702
Gaz Gun Man - gazgunman
Raptorrex - raptorrex-666
Jameshughes1989 - ASSASIN_HUGHES
EliseW (and her son) - meiktila148
ZoddyZod - ZoddyZod
Chishnfips - thebloomonkey
Oscar Betta - aidan2110
Chrisrm - cottonsox
Stevereade - taking_names
Catfish00 - HairyBawBag
b0b95 - killslayer10
SensesFail - sensesfailyou
Fishkeeper35 - larosa1
Walkers101 - LAN3YCHRIS1987
Jammiedodger - Azrael2010
Malawi MaD - ADDiCT3D_2_BASsS
Weezawoo - Weezawoo
Chrisodapz - chrisodapz
M.R Otter - Avian_boy
Davehutton92 - xNever-Ending
Carl- Carl-Moon
So comment with your Addy and get on the list!