
I found that aswell, Without plants to spread out root systems the sand compacted and turned nasty.
Don't use playsand... it's really no good for fish.
It compacts underwater.. nasty pockets of toxic gas form in it, and all the fish poo etc sits on top of it..
Pool filter sand is the way to go. I didn't have to rinse it, and it doesn't compact underwater.
I paid $12 Canadian for a 50 pound bag.

If you read the original post you will notice that the guy wants to put plants in it.

Playsand is perfectly OK for a planted tank as is Silver/Dry Sand (which is the same sand just sterilised).

I have used playsand in my previous set up and dry sand in my current setup and never had these problems you are explaining.

With plants in it as long as they are allowed to grow their roots there will be no problem with anaerobic pockets.

To say that it is harmful to fish is just scaremongering.


you can not call a warning of this type, that is backed up, scaremongering. its a fair point well made, playsand, can and does, according to these posters, humm and you, compact and trap noxious vapors. though it is fair enough to say it will not happen in a planted tank. how can it be scaremongering to warn people?

indeed it would be remiss of anyone who knew this, not to have warned those who don't, kinda one of the points of having a forum.
Don't use playsand... it's really no good for fish.
It compacts underwater.. nasty pockets of toxic gas form in it, and all the fish poo etc sits on top of it..
Pool filter sand is the way to go. I didn't have to rinse it, and it doesn't compact underwater.
I paid $12 Canadian for a 50 pound bag.

If you read the original post you will notice that the guy wants to put plants in it.

Playsand is perfectly OK for a planted tank as is Silver/Dry Sand (which is the same sand just sterilised).

I have used playsand in my previous set up and dry sand in my current setup and never had these problems you are explaining.

With plants in it as long as they are allowed to grow their roots there will be no problem with anaerobic pockets.

To say that it is harmful to fish is just scaremongering.


you can not call a warning of this type, that is backed up, scaremongering. its a fair point well made, playsand, can and does, according to these posters, humm and you, compact and trap noxious vapors. though it is fair enough to say it will not happen in a planted tank. how can it be scaremongering to warn people?

indeed it would be remiss of anyone who knew this, not to have warned those who don't, kinda one of the points of having a forum.

Just to re-iterate I was pointing out that the OP clearly states that he is wanting to plant in playsand which would therefore negate this problem entirely.

A warning on playsand is OK but if the OP is clearly stating he will be putting plants into it then the warning does not apply and due to a warning being posted gives the wrong information for other people who want to use playsand in a planted tank!!.

It is similar to a post earlier on in a CO2 thread saying that people were irresponsible and risking their lives using fire extinguishers unless they have the proper training and qualifications. A lot of us use fire extinguishers and a lot of use playsand but a lot of people seem to spread warnings these days.

Next we will be back to the dark ages of people saying adding ferts and CO2 into a tank is bad for fish (even though this has bee proven wrong as well)

Playsand is OK simple as that. In a non planted tank it is ok as long as you poke and prod it occasionally to release gas. End of story.

I've had my rant so I'll stop now

Yep, theres a lot of this "PC" hype (Id say another word !) bandied about on the forums... usually along the lines of " I wouldnt use anything not bought from a fish shop" Well, WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK THEY GET THEIR STOCK ??????

I use Argos playsand in ALL of my tanks with ZERO problems whatsoever.
Just to let everyone know
due to heart condition I can not go out and get the playsand so
I am having it delivered on tuesday and I plan to have it in place before I go in hospital next sunday
cheers everyone for the advice
Dave :good:
c'mon guys there was nothing PC about my comment. if there are possible problems when using Playsand, then i see no problem with people being told about it. discussing a potential problem is not Scaremongering, but simply giving people the information, to make their own decision.

If playsand "may" cause problems, there are dozens of grades of sand out there on the market. its simply a case of finding one that compacts less.

having reviewed the thread, perhaps the people who are so upset should do this too! vancouver, made the comment, that his solution was to buy pond sand. he did not say every body should! i made no comment about where to purchase anything.
perhaps if you read and absorbed the posts, instead of imposing your own interpretation of what was said?
Just sounded to me like a DONT USE THIS statement but then I do jump to conclusions.

Sorry about that.

I was just trying to say if you have loads of plants it isnt a problem and even without as long as you are prepared to 'stir' it occasionally then it isn't

Of course if you're not planted and not prepared to stir then you should stick to gravel.

My sincerest apologies anyway.

And get rid of that damn annoying fly. My kids are walloping the screen (or they would be if they weres till awake. lol)


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