playful flowerhorn


New Member
Feb 20, 2004
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bundy is about 3 1/2" - 4". he likes to jump out of the water for food... even when he is full. these pictures dont begin to show all of bundy's coloration. bundy has metalic sparkles all over, he starts out light green near his head and shows alot of blue near his rear end fading back to a deep magenta/purple color. first a few nice pictures then a few pictures of him being evil.


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uh oh..... is that your favorite play toy? this is about 2 seconds after reintroducing him to his favorite play toy =P notice his color change. bundy will go from extremely light to very dark instantly and back.


  • bundy_2_19_4.jpg
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I must admit....he's beautiful! How does he get along with his tankmates? And...what do you keep with him?

Judging by your hand, he's still quite small, how big is he? (so many questions ,sorry)
almost done


  • bundy_2_19_6.jpg
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hes currently in a 20g tank (small i know but he fits for know i have a 40g tank with a red 4-5" red devil who is gonna be moved to a 150g+ tank for breeding, i also have a 70g tank with 6 juvenile red devils about 3-4"... schooling and trying to raise pairs but bundy will get the 40g until further growth) he is in with an albino convict and a peacock my friend gave me when he moved to arizona.... not compatible but it works out because they are much much smaller... the convict is about 1" and the peacock is about 2" they are pretty much just play toys for bundy (sorry if thats mean) until he is moved.. but they survive and never look battered and are happy somehow.


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last one


  • bundy_2_19_8.jpg
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Ah-Haaaaah!!! NOW I know the secret to getting your fish to show their colors and finnage for pictures! a playtoy!!! That wouldn't be a mirror by any chance would it? *rips full length mirror off the door and props it near tank*

Very interesting fish.... is it a SA cichlid of some kind? Is the unique body/fin natural or is that the result of engineering breeding?
you got it =] try a mirror with your aggressive fish (lonely ones especially) you should see my adult male red devil play... he was so crazy he is scared of himself now completely.... he runs away its hilarious


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