play sand for tanks

Maybe I'm lucky or the play sand I got isn't really play sand? My ADFs love it and play in it all the time, and when I clean it or stir it up it "puffs" and sinks right away. <shrug>

Oh well, it was $2.00 whatever sand I got.

I have not heard of pool filter sand being any better aither from what i heard it all depends on the brand of playsand or the brand of pool filter sand and alot of playsand is worse than alot of pool sand, but alot of pool sand is worse than alot of play sand

My lfs uses a couple different playsands in their tanks but no pool filter stuff, my playsand does not really cloud much either
well i just redid my girls tank with the play sand I got..took me about 20 rinses before I got most of the cloudyness out, and now that its in the tank its still hoping it will settle overnight or in a day..if not im gonna have to wash it more :crazy:

oops forgot the add pics of not done with the decor yet

from the top
i bought some silica sand from home repo. i also have some play sand in another tank. the play sand takes a while to rinse. the silica sand i rinsed once plopped it in and no cloudiness whatsoever. also some one mentioned that all sand is silica which is true but the sand labled silca sand is quartz based, i'm guessing thats the difference. the play sand is also bigger and chunkier as the silica sand is very fine.

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