Platys Dying Help!

Oops (again) in the formatted thingy where it says chemicals added, i said i use NutraFin Aqua Plus, but I actually use NutraFin Cycle. My question actually is should i use aqua plus too? or not?
EDIT I forgot you can edit and stuff, but I just did edit it so don't worry about this post

Others here may not recommend it but you could try Sea Chem Stability. Some people have great luck with it. If you google "seachem stability put to the test" and click the first link you will see what I mean

If you get it make sure you shake the bottle very well! I just started adding this to my aquariums to aid in waste removal.
If you get it make sure you shake the bottle very well! I just started adding this to my aquariums to aid in waste removal.
Thats great! thanks. I tested my water after a 90% water change and it said that I had an even higher ammonia than before, .25-.50 :( None of my fish look like dying today, to I think its okay. 2 days ago, a fish that looked pregnant died, so maybe it was a kind of fish STD or something like that. I had to kill one to put it out of its misery though :( :-( :rip:
2 weeks ago i changed the gravel and added some new driftwood to my fish tank, then waited a week and put in some new Platys (Platies?) They were fine, until one started lying on the gravel, and trying to swim up, but it kept sinking back onto the gravel. It then died the next day, and another one started doing that. 1 of the fish that died and 1 that is dying both had their spinal cord like bent and they were curved at a near right angle. now a fifth Platy is dying and I'm getting extremely nervous. Help please? In the photo the sick fish is in the bottom-right corner and is red-orange. (I think the other one is pregnant)
I don't know too much about platy's but the problems swimming sounds like swim bladder but that's not contagious my betta had that once and he did the same weird way of swimming I hope this was helpful :blush:
Should I add Sea Chem to my other things i put in my tap water? or replace them with the Sea Chem? or add it directly to the tank?
Personally I don't add stuff to my tank asides from dechlorinator and plant fertilizer.

They are freshwater fish, and fresh water is the best you can give them. I forgot whether your tap water already has ammonia or not, it's too much reading to go all the way back, but if you have a healthy filter with the necessary bacteria they will quickly convert the ammonia.

If you keep seeing ammonia, especially if the reading is getting higher then I would think that this is where the problem lies in terms of your fish getting sick! If your filter has lost its cycle you will need to do lots and lots of water changes, to keep the ammonia as close to 0 as you can. There also are products that change the harmful ammonia into harmless ammonium. Not sure if Seachem stability is one of those products!
Okay. All the other stuff is like "prevents sickness and stress! Gives good bacteria!" and I will try just using those 2 things
Personally I don't add stuff to my tank asides from dechlorinator and plant fertilizer.

They are freshwater fish, and fresh water is the best you can give them. I forgot whether your tap water already has ammonia or not, it's too much reading to go all the way back, but if you have a healthy filter with the necessary bacteria they will quickly convert the ammonia.

If you keep seeing ammonia, especially if the reading is getting higher then I would think that this is where the problem lies in terms of your fish getting sick! If your filter has lost its cycle you will need to do lots and lots of water changes, to keep the ammonia as close to 0 as you can. There also are products that change the harmful ammonia into harmless ammonium. Not sure if Seachem stability is one of those products!
I'm not so worried about the ammonia and ammonium, I (finally) watched that thread, but another of my fish died, so back to the panic attack :p. The thread said its just a cycling thing, not a tapwater dechlorinator. Am I looking at the wrong thing?

If my fish DO have Fish TB, (I've been looking it up) what meds should I use?
I am not convinced that your fish have TB, the curvature of the spine is something that develops gradually over a period of time as well as other skeletal deformities, not from one day to another! There are many other symptoms with TB, like loss of appetite, loss of scales, black spots, skin ulcers, bleedings....

The best treatment of TB is euthanasia, desinfecting your tank and to start over!

In my opinion you should be more worried about the levels of the ammonia in your tank. Even prolongued exposure to low levels of ammonia can cause permanent damage to your fish. Ammonia is irritating to their skin, and especially their gills. Ammonia can cause organ damage and death!!!

It is still quite possible that your tank is infected with some sort of disease. Have you looked for any signs of parasites on your fish? Are there any stringy things hanging off of them, either from their gills, or their anus? Some parasites could also be internal, and there are many that are difficult to treat.

But before I would go out and invest in all kinds of expensive medications, I would try to elliminate the more simple possible causes first, and in your case that would be the readings of ammonia! The readings of ammonia could also have weakened their immunesystem and made them more susceptible for some infection they would normally be able to fight off. I don't know!

Maybe someone with more knowledge will come by and give you more or better answers, but that's my 2 cents on this!
Well, at least you're more knowlegable than me. :p. Speaking of external parasites, my platys are "pooping" long strings of something.
Well, at least you're more knowlegable than me. :p. Speaking of external parasites, my platys are "pooping" long strings of something.
Platies poop a lot, lol! I've found a you-tube clip where you can see what a parasite may look like:

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