

New Member
Apr 26, 2004
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We had two platies. One startes biting the other. The other is dead. We are afraid to put more fish in our tank. Any advice.
Maybe you were just unlucky with the platies i have 2 male platies in my tank and they get along fine .How big is your tank?
I LOVE Platies, they usually are very peaceful!!! I would try again, make sure you have 2 females to every male or just females though. Don't give up, that fish may have been sick to begin with too. Good luck!! :)
thanks for that advice

I don't understand why one fish started biting the other. They were both females, I think.
With having just 2, the one may have just been letting the other one know it was their territory. I would definitely try again but get more than just 1, that way it will know that is has to share the community. maybe have 4 or 5 in a 10 gallon. ;)
I agree Platies are supposed to be peaceful fish. But as we all know that like people, they each have their own personalities. And we are bound to get a bad apple every now and then. I wouldn't get too discouraged and would replace the lost fish with a couple more and keep tabs on how they all get along. I have also heard as mentioned before that 2 females to 1 male or all females is recommended. That spreads the attention around a bit as those frisky boys will chase those girls. I personally have 2 females and 1 male and they get along swimmingly. Be advised mixing males and females is a good way to start a Platy family though.

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