Platy with rotting head.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 31, 2023
Reaction score
Salisbury, UK
One of my platys from a previous thread has gotten much worse. Here is the previous thread:
Since then, it has slowly gotten worse. It's head has now developed a large crater. I moved it to a small 25 litre tank about a week ago and added 2 tbsp of salt, increasing the dosage to 4 tbsp of salt 2 days later. It has not really go much worse. However, somehow, despite it looking thin as it has not eaten in a long time, gave birth to at least 3 babies in this tank. I am not sure how the babies will cope in this heavily salted environment, but I fear that if I put them back into my main tank they will be instantly devoured.
I have been reading about hole in the head disease but cannot find many picture of this occurring to platys online. I think that this fish it very badly infected and I am not sure how to treat it. If anybody knows what I could do I would appreciate it. I was considering euthanising it at one point but was not sure at what point you should decide to do that. I will attach some pictures. It is often hiding but now it is swimming around manically. The temperature is 26degrees c. I also noticed a small spot on its tail. It’s gills are very red
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0


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If I look at your platy, this could also be old age. For we do see this quite often if they're at the end of their lifespan, bend body, slimming down and scales on the head that get affected...
If your tank has no problem with nitrogen, I would think of an external parasite.

The gills, clamped fins and wasting makes me think of long term flukes. But it would not be alone showing symptoms. It's very difficult to say, but sign of distress always has good reasons.

Are you sure your water is properly dechlorinated before use.
Yes, fairly sure. I use prime dechlorinator, I add it just before I add the water back to the tank during water changes. I do 3ml per 120 litres when I do a 50 percent water change.
With its age and look, I agree with @emeraldking (he is, by the way, the main livebearer expert here, and a world class livebearer keeper). I see probable fish tb, and for that, there is no treatment, let alone cure.
If it is tb, it becomes super dangerous when the fish dies, as that's when millions of bacteria rush for cover. Any of your other fish will do. So I never let a suspected tb fish die in the tank.
Ok I see, if there is no cure and the fish seems to be suffering, should I euthanise it?
I wouldn't let it suffer much longer if I were you... And yes, what Gary has already been saying, this can be contageous. So, try to avoid that the others won't get affected.
In your experience, what would you say the best way to euthanise a fish using clove oil would be? I have seen conflicting dosages and time frames online and would like to know what you would recommend. I have used clove oil in the past and it seemed to work fine but would like to know a definitive answer.
In your experience, what would you say the best way to euthanise a fish using clove oil would be? I have seen conflicting dosages and time frames online and would like to know what you would recommend. I have used clove oil in the past and it seemed to work fine but would like to know a definitive answer.
That should work fine...
But yes, so many fishkeepers, so many different opinions...
Buit it has always worked for me...
In the past I have put the fish into a bucket with about 4 litres of water. Then I added a mixture of 3 drops of clove oil and water, waited a few minutes, then added another mixture of the same amount. This seemed to work in about 30 minutes but those 2 fish have euthanised in the past where very near death. I don't think that this fish is quite as bad as those were, but if there is no cure, and it seems to be suffering, I see no reason why I should not euthanise it.

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