Platy With Arched Spine?


Fish Herder
Aug 19, 2011
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Hi guys, Basically, I have had these 5 platies since they were fry, and now they are about 2 years old, but 2 of them have suddenly got arched spines, and It is gradually just getting worse and worse. I don't know what else could have brought it on except maybe just old age :/ ? I don't know. Tell me what you think. :huh:


Thanks in advance :good:
normally old fish develop arched backs, just like some old biddies you see walking on the street.

the first pic looks wierd, but i think it is old age as platys are short lived anyways.

I like the penguin tetras :)
It is most likely caused by them being bred and/or raised in soft water. Alternatively, it could be fish TB, but very unlikely.
normally old fish develop arched backs, just like some old biddies you see walking on the street.

the first pic looks wierd, but i think it is old age as platys are short lived anyways.

I like the penguin tetras :)

Thanks I love them aswell :D
2 years is not particularly old for a platy: in my experience, they live to 4-5 years.
Any Ideas on how I could treat it/make it so that he can at least swim?! :sad:
you should have mentioned that he had trouble swimming, if it doews turn out to be Fish TB then you have to be very carefull as you can catch it yourself
Any Ideas on how I could treat it/make it so that he can at least swim?! :sad:
Well, that depends on what caused it. Did this happen all of a sudden? In what water parameters (especially pH and hardness) were they raised? Were the fish ever exposed to ammonia or nitrite? Did you add any new fish just before this happened? Have any fish recently died which were not at the end of their lifespan? If you're not sure, then say what species and how old they were. Have any of the fish which have been in that tank have any diseases at any point?
I have never really had any problems with this tank. And he can swim..ish. :/ It is kind of just a wiggle to the top of the tank then a float back down. I don't think there is anything I can do :-( One of my other platies died last night, It was shop bought though. Im not sure why that died, It looked a bit glum for a few days and then...:byebye:
if it's any consellation i bought a neon tetra, within a night it had died, so i bought another one, and that died overnight as well. Eventually i asked the lfs if i could catch my own one, and mr fattypuss is still with me
thats what i thought when i first saw it :)

+1 means i agree or yes thats right so if someone were to say

I like fish!!!!!

I would probably say +1 to show that i too like fish

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