Cloudy milky water is caused by bacteria (not filter bacteria) feeding on uneaten fish food in the tank. The easiest way to fix it is by reducing the feeding and doing a 75% water change and gravel cleaning the substrate each day. However, if you are treating a tank, you have to do a water change and then treat the tank. Don't treat the tank in the morning and do a water change a few hours later.
If ammonia levels are very high (8ppm) then bigger water changes (80-90%) are useful. In some situations you might need to do a 90% water change each day and then retreat the tank each day after the water change.
If ammonia levels are very high (8ppm) then bigger water changes (80-90%) are useful. In some situations you might need to do a 90% water change each day and then retreat the tank each day after the water change.