Platy Still Pg After Dropping Fry?


New Member
Jan 3, 2009
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Sunset platy dropped fry 3 nights ago. We only saw 3 but assumed there were more. She still had a gravid spot and the next morning, we saw a few more babies. She STILL had a gravid spot that appeared to have "eyes" but this morning, no new babies. In fact, no babies at all. I know its possible that the babies got eaten, but is it weird that we only saw 3 each morning and that she still looks PG? Could she not be finished or not had a complete delivery? She was PG when we brought her home and gave birth about a week later. I'm wondering if the move was stressful and caused problems?
Do you think those first ones might have been premature as well and didn't make it? We don't have large fish (platys and tetras and danios) We may try a trap or net the next time around. Will this hurt her future ability to have babies?

she will probably abort (miscarriage) due to the stress

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