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Beth Symons

New Member
Nov 13, 2019
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Hi everyone, I'm new to this website so please be patient with me!

About 4 months ago my father bought 4 platy fish for our tank (along with a Plec, a few neon tetra and a betta) (I know it's not recommended to keep a betta with platys because or their tails but they get on fine). It turns out one of the platys was a male, and the other three female, which resulted in a LOT of baby platys (around 4-9) from each female resulting in at least 15 young platies. We set up another tank to move them to because the original (57l) was becoming overcrowded, however one of the original platys then fell ill.

It started with a nipped tail (no signs of fin rot however doesnt seem to be getting any better) and she spent a lot of time by herself, hiding in plants and under things. Shes lost a lot of weight and whereas platys are usually quite round, her belly is basically the opposite and seems to be going in instead. We moved her to the new tank and she spends 98% of her time on the floor on her side, breathing quite rapidly, and when she swims up for air she seems to struggle a lot and just floats back down.
She doesn't eat very much also.
I'm sorry this post is so long but I'm very worried. Tried moving some of the babies in with her but they nipped at her like she was a meal so moved them back out. She seems very stressed and no sign of worms, parasites etc. I'm open to and appreciate all suggestions! I'm not too sure on water levels etc because thats my dads area of expertise, however hes checked ammonia etc and everything is fine.

Thank you!


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Hi, sounds like she's on her way out unfortunately. She may have a wasting disease... Just best to keep her by herself so she isn't harassed and keep the water clean, fish that normally get to this state are a result from bullying, being chased too much, stressed and bad water quality. Or incorrect water parameters for the type of fish....
Or incorrect water parameters for the type of fish....

If you have soft water, hard water fish like platies will suffer while soft water fish like neon tetras will be fine.
You can try some General Cure which treats eating disease and some parasites but as already mentioned, it may be too late. Anything s worth a try.
If you have soft water, hard water fish like platies will suffer while soft water fish like neon tetras will be fine.

This is very interesting, I do have soft water so I'll keep that in mind, thank you so much!
Hi, sounds like she's on her way out unfortunately. She may have a wasting disease... Just best to keep her by herself so she isn't harassed and keep the water clean, fish that normally get to this state are a result from bullying, being chased too much, stressed and bad water quality. Or incorrect water parameters for the type of fish....

Thank you for your reply. She passed away this morning sadly but this is really insightful as she was bitten before she got ill and lost a chunk of her tail. Thank you!
You can try some General Cure which treats eating disease and some parasites but as already mentioned, it may be too late. Anything s worth a try.

Hi there, she passed away this morning sadly but thank you so much for your reply. I will be buying this just in case something like this happens in the future!
Hi there, she passed away this morning sadly but thank you so much for your reply. I will be buying this just in case something like this happens in the future!
‘M so sorry for your loss. :rip:

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