Platy Problems Forever

Ok.. I can't find much information about hexamita as I keep only coming across hole in the head when I google it.

My fish don't lose their appetites either.  If they give up swimming around and decide to hide, no matter what, they come out and eat at meal time and poop normally.  :/

Let me have a look... I think I have a picture of one of my two first platies who had it.. maybe that would help...

Right.... my first affected fish was the mostly hidden red wag and the second was the coral blue.  This is what they looked like healthy.

I lost my red wag but I tried super hard to help my coral blue platy.  She looked like this a few days before she died.  (Contrary to the pictures, she did not lose color, it is merely two different tanks with completely different lighting and a different camera used, in reality she had her same color all along).
It's hard to tell what they have from the pictures because certain diseases have similar symptoms but yes, it's something internal.  It's up to you to try some meds if you can afford them and you are willing to.  Pick them wisely so they don't affect your filter. The antiparasitic ones I mentioned above shouldn't. I would also try a course of antibiotic afterwards but possibly start with antiparasitic as you've tried antibacterial(which ones did you try?)  You can buy seachem kanaplex(antibiotic) on ebay and it's mild on the fish(also ok with inverts) and does no harm the filter.

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