Platy Pics!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Yup. I'm back again with more pictures. :lol: You guys are gonna get sick of me pretty soon. :p

Today I got a new male platy, Socrates, in hopes that he will breed with my two females. B) So here he is:

lol! Yeah, now that I look at him, he does look like he has a few extra fins there! :lol:

He's huge. I thought Sunny was big...she's almost two inches, but Soc is like two and a quarter. But he seems to be getting along with the girls well enough...hasn't left their sides since I put him in there. :p My betta, Kaiser, doesn't like him though...I think it's his colors. :/
I thought males were supposed to stay smaller than females, but that doesn't seem to be true... at least not for mickey mouse platies.

Anywho, the female with the black dorsal fin is clamping it. You might want to check into that, but it might be nothing. :dunno:
I thought males were supposed to be smaller as well. I sorta did a double take at the pet store, cause I thought he was a female when I saw his size. :p

Yeah, I've noticed Comet doing that every once in a while. I've been keeping a close eye on her, and so far everything else seems to be fine, but I'm still watching. Believe me, if anything comes up, you guys will be the first to know. ;)
I keep very close tabs on my fish...seeing as how they are about two feet from my computer, and I'm almost always on my computer. I love watching them while I surf the net. ;)

So far, he's been hanging around Sunny a lot. No real advances yet, but he's been staying right by her side. Maybe I'll get some little micky mouse fry out of this. B) :hey:
lol! They're like Lay's Potato Chips..."You can't have just one!" :lol: :rofl:

So do you keep all of your platies, or do you sell them, or what?

When mine breed, I'm probably going to try to sell them to my local pet shops...and keep the best looking ones for myself. :lol:
Much chasing Platies around the tank to get a better picture later...
Save them, because, sadly they're getting too inbred now, though I got a couple of new ones not too long ago to counter-act this. :)
It's the guppies I'm desperately trying to get rid of! :lol:


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I know guppys are pretty prolific too. Platies are enough livebearers for me to handle. :lol:

I like the piccy! What size tank do you have? And are those all live plants?

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