Platy Hurt In Tank Decoration


New Member
Jan 2, 2013
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The other day while trying to remove a male platy fry which was on the brink of maturity, one of our most loved platys got STUCK in the base of one of the fake plant decorations, in a very small gap. We only noticed this when lifting up the decoration to look for the very mischievous boy platy who really didn't want leave all the female platys alone.

With a little coaxing she was soon out but badly hurt. Her scales and been lost on the top of he and on her belly, with her scales that had been ripped off still hanging on her, looking very awkward. Everywhere I read on these kinds of forums it says to move the fish to a quarantine tank and give medication but we decided to leave her be and see how she was when she had calmed down, to really see the damage. She was freaked and her gills were moving like crazy but she still was swimming around, but less than usual and was staying way away from other fish. I feared the worst but....

After a couple of days of no change I saw her healing well, with no medication or need to quarantine her. Today she is as merry as ever and enjoying her late New Years treat, bloodworms! Now the only signs of damage are white marks on her top between her fin and head, and that is shrinking day by day.

Is it just I have very hardy fish or is it wrong to freak the fish out even more by moving them? I guess if you have very aggressive fish in your tank that they might pick on the weak but mine would probably have died of the stress being moved.

Nice to know other people's thoughts
I think you should leave the fish where it is if possible, you don't want to stress it by moving it.
I believe you don't move it unless necessary such as if other fish are bullying it. Congragulations.

I had one of my goldfish get stuck in my filter (managed to get in through the top :eek:) for around 3-5 days. When it came out it had shredded scales/sides, bloody tail and was seriously freaked.

Left it in, and my other goldfish (around twice the size), decided to take the injured one under its wing and now they always swim together:). Its nearly fully healed now around a month or two later (no scale marks) and the only thing left is some white markings on his fins.

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