Platy Hiding All The Time

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My black stripe platy has done a similar thing. I had 4 female platy fish (a parrot platy, a tuxedo platy, an orange platy and an orange with a black stripe), who all got along very well especially the two orange ones, who were inseparable. Parrot platy was pregnant but over christmas developed white spot (i assume the aquarium was a bit too cold for them). The treatment really stressed her out and sadly she died while giving birth in the night about a month ago. The death hit the tuxedo platy the worst and she was sad and would sleep in the bottom, in the plant or behind the filter all day (levels were good and water changes were smaller and more regular because she loves the new water bubbles and I wanted to perk her up). Luckily, she's cheered up a bit, and plain orange never cared but now black stripe has been hiding under the coral for about a week, but not sleeping. I make sure that shes getting food but the only time she leaves the coral is if im lifting it up to check shes still okay. Visibly no signs of pregnancy or fry or illness, she's always been shy but not like this. Can fish be depressed?

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