Platy fry - what would you do?


New Member
Oct 5, 2019
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My daughter has adult 4 platies, one is due to give birth, and 8 fry in a hatchery who are about 4 weeks old. Our thoughts are to wait until the fry can be sexed and then maybe move the males to another tank (at Granny's house down the road), and keep the females.

Question 1, Would this be suitable or would all the platies be unhappy if the males and females were separated?

When the pregnant platy gives birth, we can't home all of the new fry as adults (maybe only a few).
I understand the most recommended action is to let Mamma platy have the fry in the main tank, and allow them to be consumed by the adults - apart from some fry who might survive to grow up.

When Mamma platy last gave birth I noticed it was the less active fry who hid the best, keeping out of the way of adult fish as they lay in the gravel and under ornaments. We collected the fry and put them in the hatchery. Some of the fry were runts (if fish have runts) - didn't grow at the same rate, couldn't swim far or to the top, were a different shape. I am concerned that if we allow Mamma platy to give birth in the tank, the ones that survive being eaten will be the least healthy. This would leave us with unhappy fish or poorly fish that might reproduce...?

Question 2, Do we allow Mamma platy to give birth in the tank, or give birth in a trap and allow her to consume them, or euthanise them, to prevent the runts from being the fry who survive to adulthood?

I hope I've been able to explain my question well enough to be understood without causing offence or seeming completely heartless.

Thanks for your opinions.
I took my females back to the Lfs and now have only males in my tank. They are perfectly happy just chasing each other. Lol! I always let Mother Nature do the culling. :)
I took my females back to the Lfs and now have only males in my tank. They are perfectly happy just chasing each other. Lol! I always let Mother Nature do the culling. :)

Hi Deanasue

My daughter's first two fish were female and she'd hate to part with them! She then got two more (different colours) thinking they were both female but no one was male.

The fry are from one of the original two platys, she came already pregnant from the shop as we didn't realise.

Does Mother Nature cull all your fry? It's the thought of being left with the less than healthy fry to grow into adulthood that make me wonder what to do. Do you have gravel in your tank please?

Edit: Is LFS live fish shop?
LFS = local fish shop :)

Livebearer females are always pregnant if they are in a tank with any males. Even if they are not in a tank with males now, if they have been they will be carrying sperm packets and can use these to have babies for up to 6 months without a male.
I know thank you essjay :) the males and females were in the tank together in the shop. I imagine their lifespan should be well beyond 6 months.
I had gravel in my tank when we were having babies.
Just collect all the fry and bring them to your LFS. Ask them if they will take the fry first though. :)

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