Platy Fry, What To Do With Them


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
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One of my Platy's gave birth last night. I can only see about 4 at the moment. Not sure what to do with them now. As I haven't got a seperate tank they will have to try and survive as they are. Trouble is its only a 10G tank so room to keep them. Whats the best thing to do? Do you think my local fish shop would take them off my hands?

LFS dont take newly dropped fry, just go to the LFS and get some cheap plants plastic or not and put them in the tank, this will give thm something to hide in, or simply just let nature take its course and leave them to fend for themselves as not having another tank it sounds like you maybe headed for an overstocked tank
You don't necessarily have to have a seperate tank to put them in. If you have a small, clean, plastic container, that will work well for a while. Personally, I've had better luck keeping fry in those beta hex containers and doing frequent water changes.

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