A Angry_Platy Sleepy Chook Joined Dec 13, 2003 Messages 2,867 Reaction score 0 Location Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run Mar 31, 2004 #1 This is the latest pic of my largest platy fry after addition back into my 30gal (it had been in the 10gal quar with the smallest fry)....she is growing up....chasing all the adult platies....sniff...sniff.... Attachments LargePlatyFry.jpg 40.3 KB · Views: 101
This is the latest pic of my largest platy fry after addition back into my 30gal (it had been in the 10gal quar with the smallest fry)....she is growing up....chasing all the adult platies....sniff...sniff....
OP OP A Angry_Platy Sleepy Chook Joined Dec 13, 2003 Messages 2,867 Reaction score 0 Location Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run Mar 31, 2004 #2 This is the smallest fry still in the quar tank...the white tube on the right is 5cm in diameter to give you an idea of size.... The larger fry is at the front of the pic....before it was moved to the big tank Attachments SmallestPlaty.jpg 50.2 KB · Views: 112
This is the smallest fry still in the quar tank...the white tube on the right is 5cm in diameter to give you an idea of size.... The larger fry is at the front of the pic....before it was moved to the big tank
S Sasha Fish Gatherer Joined Dec 11, 2003 Messages 2,822 Reaction score 1 Location New Hampshire, USA Mar 31, 2004 #3 They're so cute! The smallest platy that I have in my tank is less than an inch, and is exactly that color!
They're so cute! The smallest platy that I have in my tank is less than an inch, and is exactly that color!
J jams.alaskan Forum Fan Joined Feb 23, 2004 Messages 2,676 Reaction score 0 Location North Pole, Alaska Mar 31, 2004 #4 She's hanging with the big boys now. ALASKA
S snowyangel Fish Gatherer Joined Nov 7, 2003 Messages 2,636 Reaction score 3 Location just became an american *play dramatic music* Apr 1, 2004 #5 So adorable chooklet! I guess we're both seeing our little babies grow up