Platy Fry Bleached Scales New Deaths

today fish still seem to feel better. they were swimming around when they saw me. tried giving them some peas but they werent going for it. i think i spoiled them raising them with egg yolk.
no still havent found out what it is......neon disease, could be accept all my fish were affected and they seem to be getting better. also this is a tank that had no outside interferrence for spores to be introduced. I did feed them BBS but that was months ago. really puzzled at this point.
its been a few days and the fish arent dieing anymore i still am going to dose for the remainder of the week then do a large water change. I guess no else has seen this before.............
lost another fish the other day. im guessing either no knows whats going on or no one cares.
Now the fish have white masses on the fins and mouths. I dosed with pimafix, when i got home 7 fish were dead. only 2 left with 1 oto.
Due to the fact that there are only 2 fish left I dont expect to get any useful info from this forum.
If I had gotten help weeks ago when i started this post maybe i wouldnt be in this position. but i received no useful information.
I have given up on the tank, and any left alive in it.
i started dosing with melafix and pimafix yestarday would be better if i knew what i was dealing with.

1. it seems to affect only the older fish
2. the fish either sit motionless at the top of the water behind the filter or at the very bottom swimming rapidly in place
3. physical characteristics seem to be lightened areas on body shiny or irredescent in appearance

I was hoping you wouldn't do that, I just had to remove my melafix and pimafix treatment because using both of them at the same time seemed to thicken the water and my fish struggled to breath and almost died.I didn't even get to the end of the treatment yet I was only 4 days in.
Hmm. right now I only dosed with the one for fungus.......Pimafix. I previously used both together with no side effects like you state. Never had any breathing issues.......I know API states you can use them together. Seemed to stabilize my fish weeks ago, did major wc then weeks later i get this white masses on fins and mouths overnight. everything was fine yesterday. I did 1 dose with pimafix then 6 hours later 7 dead fish. I dont even know where this crap came from.......
The tank is almost deserted. and even if the remaining fish look ok I will definetly not add them to my general population tank. but i think they are doomed.......

Why has wilder foresaken me?
My platies got the same problem- they look so scaly. I have a community tank with 3 platies, 4 danios, 4 neon tetras and a corydora. But 2 of the platies look like they are losing color.Especially my yellow Platy. While my orange platy isnt exactly losing color it looks quite scaly. I thought it was ICK and used half a tablet but realised almost immediately that it wasnt ICK. Will it kill the other fish??? Im worried as hell.
Now the fish have white masses on the fins and mouths. I dosed with pimafix, when i got home 7 fish were dead. only 2 left with 1 oto.
Due to the fact that there are only 2 fish left I dont expect to get any useful info from this forum.
If I had gotten help weeks ago when i started this post maybe i wouldnt be in this position. but i received no useful information.
I have given up on the tank, and any left alive in it.

Sadly my friend, the onus is on YOU alone to pro-actively find a diagnosis and solution for fish in your care. You cannot wholesale rely on a forum of strangers to do it for you, nor should you rely on just one forum.
If I were in your situation I would have posted exactly the same on at least 3 forums if not more to get a more balanced answer to consider.

Your fish are dying of something that is likely very serious, my best suggestions are to consider Costia, Chilodinella or Columnaris.
You have not taken action sufficient to the problem.
Melafix for a serious bacterial infection that has struck down a number of your fish rapidly, is like sticking plasters for pneumonia. It simply isnt meant for this kind of problem.

I personally still think it was Columnaris all along, I've seen blue rams and livebearers in particular sometimes exhibit this as a "bleaching" of colour rather than the typical fluffy appearance. That you now have fish with fluffy appendages and mouths, in addition to shimmying to me, is a giveaway.
Symptoms: Symptoms of this disease include grayish-white spots on some part of the head, fins, gills, or body usually surrounded by an area with a reddish tinge. The columnaris lesions on different species of fish vary in size, location, and appearance. These may appear thread-like, particularly around the mouth, giving rise to the incorrect name of 'mouth fungus'. Characteristic lesions can appear on the back, the fins, gills and belly. Catfish, in particular, tend to have lesions on their bellies and sides. Fins will deteriorate and sores may appear on the body. The gills may be affected, giving rise to bacterial gill disease. It may cause 'shimmying' behaviour in fishes, particularly livebearers. Mollies, for some reason, seem to be particularly susceptable. Although columnaris most commonly involves external infections it can occur as an internal systemic infection with no visible external signs.

Columnaris is often mistaken for fungus, as most of us are taught that white fuzzy growth on the skin of a fish means fungus. However, white or grayish white, fuzzy looking lesions on that occur on normal skin, mouth or fins - especially with a bleaching of the skin underneath - fish are much more likely due to columnaris. True fungus generally grows on infected wounds or torn fins, that is, it grows on dead tissue.
Taken from: Aquatic hobbyist - Columnaris

Either way you owe it to the remaining fish to attempt to save them. If you treat with a more serious med such as Erythromycin (Maracyn for you) or Tetracycline, you will be covering a range of bacterial disease anyway :)

Best of luck with it all and remember, your fish are your responsibility and no one elses :good:

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