Platy Breeding


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2008
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Hi' all ,

I'm just wondering if a get a group of platy's and they breed will ther platys that are not part of the pair eat the fry? Also if i got a few differnt colours would they interbreed? or would they pair with the same colour? Also how many should i get a 40g 4ft tank?

Cheers Ben
Hi' all ,

I'm just wondering if a get a group of platy's and they breed will ther platys that are not part of the pair eat the fry? Also if i got a few differnt colours would they interbreed? or would they pair with the same colour? Also how many should i get a 40g 4ft tank?

Cheers Ben

firstly, most platys will eat their own fry themselves as well as the others
secondly, yes, they will breed with anyother platy, but get 3 females to 1 male to keep him busy!
thirdly, u can use the rule 2L to a cm of fish to find out how many.

Hope this helps :D
Ahh ok will stick to one colour then , hwo do people get over run with Fry if they eat their young or will some surive? I think i might have a little 'goldfish bowl' would this suffice while they grow? Just changing the water daily .
Ahh ok will stick to one colour then , hwo do people get over run with Fry if they eat their young or will some surive? I think i might have a little 'goldfish bowl' would this suffice while they grow? Just changing the water daily .

this will work, i would consider a heater to try and keep a warm temp as this helps them grow.What gallon is it? with no filter daily water changes are a must. people get overun because lots of fry hide in decoratins and plants and grow up or mabey the owners raise them and get overun. u do have a place to sell them if your overrun?
I have a larger tank with larger fish in , any extra's providing theyre decent quality will be passed along, if i get loads i will give them to my LFS.

the little bowl is probs around 3g , daily water changes wouldnt take a minute ona tank that size. As fior the heater whats recommened on a tank that little?
I would suggest that if you get a very large part of a normal drop, the goldfish bowl will maybe be big enough for the first week. I use a 10 gallon minimum to bring them on the first month, after that I move fry to larger quarters.
I would suggest that if you get a very large part of a normal drop, the goldfish bowl will maybe be big enough for the first week. I use a 10 gallon minimum to bring them on the first month, after that I move fry to larger quarters.

Hi' Thats cool, i'll use the goldfish bowl and then make a temporary divider in the tank after that.
I just provide some hiding spots for them and 10 have survived from 1 drop (im going to be overrun with platies). I was hopeless at catching them and all i managed to do was chase them out of their hiding spots and one got eaten because of that :sad: and i felt so bad :blush: i just bought some marbles and decor for them. they are very good at hiding. :good:
i have a 20g tank with 8 guppies and 8 platies. my guppy dropped about 40 fry 20 of them are accounted for. i just let natural selection take place so im not overrun by fish. i have 2 kinds of gravel in my tank, small black gravel and medium sized rocks, the fry hide well under the crevaces of the medium rocks. i also have a few plants for them to hide in as well. i think its cute to see the fry swimming with the adults. my adult fish dont really pay much attention to the fry.
yeah - as said above ^ by shi24137 i just let natural selection take place and hope that i wont be overrun! :fun:

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