Platy Birthing Procedure


New Member
Mar 13, 2010
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Heya :)

I've got a pregnant platy, who will be giving birth in the next week or so. I've never done anything like this before so want to get it right first time round!

I've got two tanks, a 64 litre tank and a 25 litre. The plan is to use the 25 as a birthing pool, when the fry have matured, then put them into the 64 litre community tank when a few weeks old. There is no "dangerous" fish in the community, only platys, mollies and small fish such as danio/rummynose.

How do I go about the birth of the fry?

I was thinking to move the pregnant female into the birthing tank with a breeding trap (the plastic one which has slots in the bottom so the fry fall into a protected area), letting her drop the fry, move her out of the trap and back into the 64 litre, then, remove the trap with the fry in and let them swim free in the birthing pool until they grow to less edible size :)

How long should I be waiting before moving her over? How long should she take to have the babies?

Thanks :D
Heya :)

I've got a pregnant platy, who will be giving birth in the next week or so. I've never done anything like this before so want to get it right first time round!

I've got two tanks, a 64 litre tank and a 25 litre. The plan is to use the 25 as a birthing pool, when the fry have matured, then put them into the 64 litre community tank when a few weeks old. There is no "dangerous" fish in the community, only platys, mollies and small fish such as danio/rummynose.

How do I go about the birth of the fry?

I was thinking to move the pregnant female into the birthing tank with a breeding trap (the plastic one which has slots in the bottom so the fry fall into a protected area), letting her drop the fry, move her out of the trap and back into the 64 litre, then, remove the trap with the fry in and let them swim free in the birthing pool until they grow to less edible size :)

How long should I be waiting before moving her over? How long should she take to have the babies?

Thanks :D

Ive only just started keeping fish, but its my understanding that you remove the mum as soon as shes finished giving birth (she is supposed to not move when shes giving birth, so it'll be a giveaway im sure) - i dont know how long it takes though.

There are a few topics which will help you pinned to the top of the livebearers section ;)
With my limited experience...If you are sure it will be within a week that she gives birth and your birthing tank is cycled I would suggest moving her now to ease the stress as the big event gets closer.

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