
Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2003
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Yup...i caught her in time. I put my female platy in a breeder, and what do you know, she pops out babies the next morning. Well i found 6 live ones so far, the my male swordtail found how to eat them through the he went in another breeder...well i just went and counted...there are 8 live ones, and one that looks dead and its all curled up. Is there anything i need to do for these babies, once their yolksac is gone...what do they eat? Im so excited now...
Hi Plecoguy

Congrats on the new fry.

You can feed them on finely ground up flake food, or feed them on newly hatched brine shrimp.
Yep dolphins got it covered, some of the eggs do not fully develop inside the mother and as such are dead on birth, that is probably the explaination of your dead one.
IM going out to buy a small tank with a sponge filter and going to culture the filter in my main tank, then use it and water from that long will it take to culture? The new tank should it be bare bottom, or what kind of substrate should it have? What do you think about the liquid baby food? Thanks for the help...THere are about 19 live babies now and 4 that look dead. Thanks again
i would keep the fry tank bare bottom as waste is easily seen and can be remove with a gravel cleaner, sponge filter would be fine i use a bio foam 45 filter for my fry tank which is 15litres and i have raised 4 batches of fry without too many hiccups.

Liquid fry food by interpet is good start for about a week and then crush up some normal flake until it's like powder.

Keep an eye on water conditions (ammonnia and nitrite etc.) as babies are vunerable to slight changes (i've learnt by my mistakes in the pass)

Do you have testing kits for ammonnia and nitrite etc?
Well, i have test kits, and i bought the liquid food. Im going to get a small tank and let its filter culture on my main tank for a while, then use water from that tank as long should it culture???
UPDATE...I think my platy is done...over the past couple of hours (shes been dropping all day) she has droped about 22 dead babies..stress maybe??? and now a total of 18 live ones.
Usually take a few weeks to culture (4-6 weeks) You could kickstart it using cycle or similar, to get it going while they grow in the breeder. Maybe you could use the male swordtail to help cycle the other tank to keep him out of the way, then after a couple of weeks swap him with the fry, less stress for him and fry in the right place :D

Good luck with them.
plecoguy said:
Yup...i caught her in time. I put my female platy in a breeder, and what do you know, she pops out babies the next morning. Well i found 6 live ones so far, the my male swordtail found how to eat them through the he went in another breeder...well i just went and counted...there are 8 live ones, and one that looks dead and its all curled up. Is there anything i need to do for these babies, once their yolksac is gone...what do they eat? Im so excited now...
How did you judge when the right time was?

I have 2 rather fat platies at the moment....
CONGRADS on the babies!!! I just love them to death :wub: I dont like the liquid food IMO it stinks and is messy...I use crushed up flakes and Fry food..

I had a Guppy that had babies a couple of days ago..and they were ALL dead :-( There was a bunch of undevelope eggs...This is the first for me, I dont know what happen, I didnt have a single one survive :sad: She was in a 2 gal tank that was completly cycled and the water was fine, no ammonia, nitrites or anything and the ph is the same as the tank she came from...So its just a mystery to me

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