Platy and Guppy Compatibility


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2005
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I have two male guppies, and a pair of hi-fin platies. I just got them yesterday. This morning the two male guppies are chasing the male platy like CRAZY. All are ignoring the female platy. What the heck is up with that? The male platy will sometimes get a break from being chased when the male guppies try to schmooze the blue danios.

I've got another tank - do you think I should seperate some of these guys out or what?
haha.. okay, so I couldn't stand watching that male platy get bullied any longer so I put the two guppies in the 30 gal (with the opaline gourami, red tail shark and other unfriendlies - we'll see if they start behavin' then). I moved another female platy in the tank so now there's 2 female platys, one male, and three blue danios. I think I'll get some more danios to see if the ones I have will chill out.
Yeah, I agree. Female Guppies may be just what the males need. Of course, then you may get lots of fry...

I'd be careful with the Guppies in the tank with the Gourami and shark...they may get nipped a lot.
Yea.. From what I understand you have to have several more females than males, though, and I don't have room for that (which is why I got all males - hoping they'd have no babies and leave things alone). Bizarre that they picked on a male PLATY and not eachother.
What size tank were they in when they were all together? if the tank doesn't have enough space or hiding places that can always lead to tension amoungst even fish that usually get along well as a species...

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