Platies eat tetras?


Fish Herder
Jun 9, 2002
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This morning, 4 platies attacked a Neon Tetra -- the healthier of the 2 I have (had) -- and did him in. He was pudgy and strong until the attack from what I could tell. Was sudden.

What would cause this to happen? Now I have one Neon which isn't good for them, right? They need at least 2 to be healthy, I was told. What ought I to do?
They were trying to make your neon dinner. Neons are better off in large groups in species tanks or tanks with similar sized fish. I would take the neon back other wise it'll just get stressed, get sick and then the whole tank could get sick. That's trouble you don't need.

BTW (By The Way) I'm moving this to the Help forum. Not sure why it's in Gardens. No biggie. Rose
I hadn't heard (or read) before that neons were incompatible with platies. I had understood they were compatible with mollies and platies in community tanks.

I haven't had luck in the last hour finding references to neons and community tanks. Are there other tetras that are better suited???
Generally they are compatable. I'm not saying they aren't, just saying that they do better in species tanks. They are also very sesitive to every little thing that goes on in a tank. It doesn't take much to kill a neon. As for the other tetras just about any of them will do. The larger tetras do better with Platies because they will fight right back where as the neons won't. I personally like the Flame Tetra or the Emperor Tetra. Rose
I have 26 neons in the same tank as swordtails and guppies. I know swordtails arn't platies but you get the jist. They get along quite well. Rose is correct in what she says. You need a shoal of neons, because by shoaling they don't get bullied by other fish. Their intensity of colours when shoaling deters any single would be bully. They could as Rose suggests be kept as a species only fish, but I do agree they look nice in a community setup. Make sure you have a lot of vegetation/plantwork in your aquarium. This way neons can dart for cover if needed. It also contrasts well with their blue/red colour. Larger Neons and/or Cardinals are sturdier, but of course they take up more water space.
Thanks all. It wasn't even a neon :laugh: :laugh: It was a glow-light. Same difference. I'll look at the ones Rose mentioned or maybe black neons which look larger too.


The Wendtii continues to rocket up, btw.
My lfs gets them in Quite regularly. If Mac makes it through today he'll see some thats two of us. Green neons. Now if they could only breed them with white and gold. :laugh:
I saw them in a store downstate. The owner told me he gets them in a thousand at a time, and they are gone in a week!
They are really neat looking in a huge school. With live plants, man o man what a sight. Rose
GL Michigan is probably a bit far to go ;)

I was wondering about Glasgow - just a wee bit closer :D

My Rio is going to be Neons and Glowlights with a few ottos and cories as the clean up crew :)
what kind of corys are you going to get? Just wondering as at the moment I have 7 or 8 different cory's in my tanks. R

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