

New Member
Sep 7, 2023
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My fish keep eating the plants off at the base they are getting plenty of food what can I do?
What species of fish? And what plant species? What you are observing may not be the fish, but the plants and the fish are taking advantage of the biofilm.
I know a lot of fish species, but not all by sight especially the cyprinids...what are the two fish here?
Don't know
You really should find out. How can you know what kind of water parameters they need or what their diet should be or just their overall care in general? Start a thread asking for an ID and post pictures of them.
I fully concur with sharkweek. On the plant issue, I suspect the plants are simply losing the lower leaves as they grow. This is normal for stem plants. The new growth will appear towards the light, and the plant will not sacrifice it by pushing nutrients to the lower portions which are not getting sufficient light. Either or both factors are involved.
Common goldfish eat plants as part of their diet. If you grow Duckweed (a small floating plant), the fish normally eat that instead of the other plants.

You can also add cucumber, zucchini, spinach, peas without the skin, and marine algae (available from Asian supermarkets) to their diet. Just make sure the food is free of chemicals and cut it up or mash it up so it's small enough for them to eat. You can part boil the fruit/ vege too, which makes it softer.
You have a goldfish (goodbye plants) and what looks to be a Chinese algae eater (gets really nasty when it gets big) and the Corydoras I reckon is a delphax....ought to be in a big group if you can, they need company to be happy 👍🏻

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