

New Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Hi peeps I want to put some plants in my tank in the backround i want a grassy look to it anything you recommend and are moss balls any good?
Sagittaria subulata is a nice grassy plant that's easy to grow. There's a dwarf variety that gets about 4", and a taller version that gets about 12".

Thai onion plants are also nice and easy to grow.... they grow tall and have wider leaves... maybe a 1/2" wide.

Moss balls?? Hmmm.. never heard of 'em :dunno:
I like hairgrass for a grassy look, but mind u that this stuff gets tall.

haven't heard anything bad about moss balls other than they move around all the time. very trendy "plant" at the moment, so u might see some high prices with them

Java fern will cover your substrate quite quickly and it's very hardy. Here is a thread about moss balls.
Try java fern and/or java moss. Look at my 25g tank link for some java fern pictures. They both thrive under low lighting condition. I only have 20w on a 25g tank and they do very well.
I have hygrophilia right now, and it's weed!

I mean.. it just grows so well. :)

Try them for background and u'll like it.

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