Plants Versus Non Planted

From my experience, BGA originates in the substrate where it is against the glass, receiving sunlight. I only ever get it coming up from play sand, and never my ADA Aqua Soil.

I have also read that low nitrates are a contributory factor.

If you see it coming up out of the substrate, use an old credit card to push it down. If their is an uncontrollable out break, remove as much as you can, change 50% of the water, run a three day black out, then carry out another 50% water change.

The plants have taken up the nitrates and as bga can make its own nitrate from nitrogen it has an advantage over the plants which I expect have run out of nitrates. A discus tank is also warmer than other water and like any bacteria bga will grow faster in warmer water.
well it looks like ive had a very good and varied response to this has certainly given me some things to look at,as for only having bga in playsand ive had it in gravel,so changed to eco complete,then had it in eco,so changed to sand,i think its going to be down to trial and error on this for a blackout ive already done that,cleared it up and a few days later its back,but i would just like to say thanks to everyone who contributed to this post

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