Plants That Do Not Need Rooting In Substrate


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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I have attached 4 anubuias to some wood today as I know these will attach their roots this way.

What other plants can I do this with - attach to wood, slate etc. that are ok with approx. 1wpg?

I've also got 2 amazon swords which are currently weighted in terracotta pots - do they need to be rooted in substrate?
Bolbitis can be tied to wood
Swordplants need gravel or something for their roots to get into.
If you don't want gravel on the bottom of the tank keep the plants in pots of gravel.
Water sprite can float on the surface as can ambulia, ludwigia and hygrophilla polysperma.
Do floating plants stop light getting to other plants in the tank? I often wondered that, seeing as it's only 1wpg

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