Did the bba appear about the same time/after you stopped using excel? You stopped dosing excel which is liquid co2, I know from experience what stopping liquid co2 suddenly can do = big bba outbreak
I would resume dosing excel or easycarbo until the problem goes away, and if you want to stop dosing it again the best way is gradually reduce the dosing every few weeks my a ml or so. Suddenly stopping it causes a co2 deficiency = bba
When I said 1/10 solution I meant 1 part excel or easycarbo to 10 parts water, so 25ml excel/250ml water. If that doesn't work you could try a stronger solution but that strength works for me so should be OK I think.
Is your co2 indicator dark green or light green? Light green is better
Also easycarbo/excel are the same thing so one or the other will be OK
Carry on dosing the neutro+ as well