Plants Good With Water Wisteria


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
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Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
I haven't had that much luck with plants apart from my water wisteria which is growing wildly and I'm always taking cuttings and planting in my hospital tank but the vast majority of my other plants die off after a couple of weeks. So I was wondering which plants would thrive in the same conditions that water wisteria does, oh and one last thing what is the hardiest floating plant as i don't seem to have much luck with them either.
Any help will be much appreciatedCheers,
(P.S. how do i get photos on here that are not from the internet?)
It's often hard to kill duckweed. Many people often term it as a weed. I'm very fond of Amazon Frogbit floating in my tank, also, riccia is a floating plant in the wild.
heh, my oldest brother refers to wisteria as a weed.

This stuff can grow in a 10 gallon with the original lights that the tank came with (personal experience). You need to be a tad more specific on the conditions please.

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