Plants for cold waterish tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 6, 2021
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Hi everyone so I'm making a planted tank and I'm not going to be using a heater but the room is fairly warm but I was wondering what plants people would suggest? I want some duckweed for the top and something grass-like with some leafy plants but not sure what, any suggestions?
How cold is the water going to be?
Most tropical aquarium plants will grow in cool water down to 16C. Some like Crypts won't do well but plants like Ambulia, Hygrophila sp, Rotala, Ludwigia and Vallis should be fine.
Anubias, crypt wendtii, java fern, Anubias nana petite, Amazon sword (can get huge), java moss, moneywort, dwarf hair grass
Most plants prefer cooler water from my experience. I've kept a plant nursery (just a 20 long with deep substrate) next to my windowsill without a heater and pretty much everything has grown there. I've grown pearlweed, bacopa, stargrass, microsword, subwassertang, rotala, monte carlo. I have since put in a heater for fish, but there's been no real difference

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