Plants For A Beginner?


Fish Crazy
Sep 8, 2012
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I'm looking to plant my tank but have no idea which ones to use or where to start! I am a complete newbie at caring for live plants, I've always had the artificial kind. I've read that Hygrophila polysperma is a good choice for a complete beginner, is that so? I'm looking for a plant that's very forgiving and only requires the addition of fertiliser. Also, I'm 28 days into a fish-less cycle, can I add plants now or should I wait till after the cycle is complete?

Some water parameters that may affect my plant choice:
pH 8.2
Hard water area
Rough temp. 24oC

Also the fish I plan on keeping:
Black Phantom Tetras
Corydoras habrosus

Thank you!
You can add plants anytime really, Java Fern, most Crypts, Swords, Anubias and a few stems like Hygrophila are a good idea. :)
Java Fern - Microsorum pteropus
Windelov Java Fern, Windelov Fern - Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov'
Narrow Leaf Java Fern - Microsorum pteropus v. 'narrow leaf'
Java Moss - Vesicularia dubyana
Green Hygro - Hygrophila polysperma
*Sunset Hygro - Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Ceylon Hygro - Hygrophila polysperma 'Ceylon'
Rotala Rotundifolia - Rotala rotundifolia
Rotala Rotundifolia sp. Green - Rotala rotundifolia sp. 'Green'
Rotala Indica - Rotala indica
Hornwort - Ceratophylum demersum
Parrots Feather - Myriophyllum aquaticum
Moneywort, Water Hyssop - Bacopa monnieri
Brazilian Pennywort, Pennywort - Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Crypt Wendtii - Cryptocoryne wendtii
Crypt Balansae - Cryptocoryne Balansae
Pygmy Crypt - Cryptocoryne pygmaea
Guppy Grass - Najas guadalupensis
Anubias barteri - Anubias barteri v. barteri
Anubias barteri 'marble' - Anubias barteri 'marble'
Anubias barteri v. 'glabra' - Anubias barteri v. 'glabra'
Anubias nana - Anubias barteri v. 'nana'
Coffee leaf anubias - Anubias barteri v. 'coffeefolia'
Crypt retrospiralis - Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
Crypt spiralis - Cryptocoryne spiralis
Golden nana - Anubias barteri v. 'nana golden'
Narrow leaf nana - Anubias barteri v. 'nana narrow leaf'
Petite nana - Anubias barteri v. nana 'petite'
Philippine Java Fern - Microsorum pteropus 'Philippine'
Red Java fern - Microsorum pteropus "red"
Crypt Becketii - Cryptcoryne becketii
Pelia - Monosolenium tenerum
Waterwheel Plant - Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Bacopa - Bacopa caroliniana
African Water Fern - Bolbitis heudelotii
Hornwort - Ceratophyllum submersum
Crypt Aponogetifolia - Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia
Micro Crypt - Cryptocoryne petchii
Tropica Sword - Echinodorus parviflorus 'Tropica'
Downoi - Pogostemon helferi

*Does not need high light to attain pink color. Dosing iron can bring out this color.
I just started using live plants and like you, I'm a total beginner. I have a 125g tank and only 50 watts of light ( so 0.4w/g ) so I couldn't use anything that needs alot of light. I went with Amazon Swords, Watersprites and various crypts. I'll try and use some Java Fern or something once I get diftwood in my tank. Water Sprites are nice and really fast growers mine have only been in thet ank for a week and I can already tell they've grown some.
Thanks for the help guys, I'll have a look at my LFS for the ones you suggested ;)
I don't like hygrophila, I do have it in my shrimp tank and you can't kill it (had it in a deactivated tank for 2 months in a dark corner and it was good as new when I restarted the tank up! But, the reason I don't like it is that it grows roots like mad and it looks messy because of it. I prefer different types of bacopa, similar look and I've not had any problems with it.
Hi very innovative discussion here. Well discussion on gardening growth of plants. Do anyone know about Hydroponic Systems? It is best way for fast growth of plants.
I don't like hygrophila, I do have it in my shrimp tank and you can't kill it (had it in a deactivated tank for 2 months in a dark corner and it was good as new when I restarted the tank up! But, the reason I don't like it is that it grows roots like mad and it looks messy because of it. I prefer different types of bacopa, similar look and I've not had any problems with it.

Do you find your shrimp pick holes in the leaves? Mine do. Little buggers. I think they are eating brown algae off the leaf surface but end up damaging the leaves.
I don't like hygrophila, I do have it in my shrimp tank and you can't kill it (had it in a deactivated tank for 2 months in a dark corner and it was good as new when I restarted the tank up! But, the reason I don't like it is that it grows roots like mad and it looks messy because of it. I prefer different types of bacopa, similar look and I've not had any problems with it.

I love hygrophila corymbosa var. glabra, it's very different than the polysmerma type. I have never noticed messy roots, although it does grow strong root system. It's a very hardy plant, doesn't require anything, grows fast and makes a nice little forest. Here is a picture of it in one of my tanks. It's the green bush to the left:

anybody try planting Utricularia graminifolia.i like the look of it in a tank,it gives it a lovely grass feel which is what i wanna go for in my new setup but i hear its a difficult plant to grow/maintain
I did. It melted in my tank before it kind of started growing, but very slowly. I don't think I have the light for it but some of it has grown slightly in the last month :lol: It is a carnivorous plant but so far hasn't eaten any seed shrimp or small corys :lol:
Lol it won't grow the bladders that eat small insects if it's given enough ferts, CO2 and light, I have it in my 60 as a carpet plant, it likes lower light and lots of nutrients while getting established but once growing you can crank the light up, I used 2 pots and 2 1-2 grow pots and the 1-2 grows I got by far 5 x the amount so worth paying the extra £2 for, beautiful plant too.
I was only joking. As far as I know it can't eat anything that big, even baby shrimp.

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