Plants Dying :(

thanks ive tryed changing the way the lighting has been an it seems to be workin, the alge issue isnt geting worse and the plants dont seem to being going brown so quick either
I could very well be talking through my hat, but luckily I'm used to that, so - are you fishless cycling with fish food or ammonia, and if the latter, doesn't that tend to trash plants?
you know i never even thought about that....i have to temp tanks set up with my fish in (lfs gave bad advice so i bought aload of fish without cycling the tank) and both of them have some of the same plants in........the plants seem totaly fine! but the plants in the main tank are no where near as healthy......although alot better now and still not turning brown as quick, although yes some of them are slowly starting to....but yes i am fishless cycling....
it depends on the plant species, some are more suceptible ammonia than others, some can survive in NH3 above 10ppm, others, only 3ppm. Even in the same genus

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