Plants Being Eatten?


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Hi all,
I have noticed that my plants seem to be getting nibbled to death! :S
I was just wondering could anyone tell me who it could be out of this lil list.

3 x Peppered Corydory Catfish
3 x Yo Yo Loach
1 x Red Shark
1 x Sailfin Plec

any ideas please?


My bet it is the Sailfin Plec... Are you feeding it enough... Soft-leaved plants are usually eaten by certain Suckermouth Catfish species...
The plec would love algae wafers and fresh cucumber...
BUY SOME ALGAE WAFERS! Then he will stop eating your plants... easy as that!
BUY SOME ALGAE WAFERS! Then he will stop eating your plants... easy as that!

Although Algae wafers may prevent the plec from eating the plants, the plec
will still persistantly munch the leaves when not being fed. Your options are,

A. To move the plec.
B. To remove the plants. (Add Plastic Plants)
C. To add broad and hardy plants such as Anubias and Java Fern.
D. Let the plec eat them.

Although you may find that feeding algae wafers will be the perfect answer, sometimes plecs
will stop consuming plants completely if given a better food option. Also provide cucumber and
courgette in their diet.

My advice to you would be to feed algae wafers every evening after the lights go out, and if
matters persist then take an appropriate action like A, B, C and D.


Plecs are pigs...they will eat even if they are full.1 of my plecs was eating the algae of my discus sponge filters but he ended up eating half the sponge:S.You will have to remove him if you want nice plants IMO

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