Plants Arrived!


Fish Crazy
Jan 25, 2011
Reaction score
Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Product Code: 14046
Description: Hygrophila Difformis / Water Wisteria - BUNCHED
Item Price: GBP 1.42
Qty: 1
Total: GBP 1.42


Product Code: 14043
Description: Sagittaria Subulata / Dwarf Sag - BUNCHED
Item Price: GBP 1.42
Qty: 1
Total: GBP 1.42


Product Code: 14199
Description: Anubia Nana Golden
Item Price: GBP 3.20
Qty: 1
Total: GBP 3.20


Product Code: W0055
Description: Blyxa japonica - Bunched
Item Price: GBP 1.64
Qty: 1
Total: GBP 1.64


Product Code: W0118
Description: Eleocharis parvulus - Bunched
Item Price: GBP 1.64
Qty: 1
Total: GBP 1.64


Product Code: W0148
Description: Ludwigia repens - Bunched
Item Price: GBP 1.64
Qty: 1
Total: GBP 1.64


Product Code: 14013
Description: Cabomba Australis
Item Price: GBP 1.42
Qty: 1
Total: GBP 1.42


Product Code: 14054
Description: Blyxa Japonica Dwarf
Item Price: GBP 1.42
Qty: 1
Total: GBP 1.42


Product Code: 14033
Description: Ludwigia Mullertii Submerse
Item Price: GBP 1.42
Qty: 1
Total: GBP 1.42

:hyper: :good:

Only problem is now how do I care for them as I'm not ready to add my fish or water change until this friday. Can they just be stored in a bucket of water for a couple of days?
they'll be fine in a bucket of water...this will give you chance to plan out where you are going to plant.
what hardscape have you got?
I've got mopani wood and large slate broken down into small managable pieces, and small gravel substrate.
Wondering if i need some sort of fertiliser for my plants?
Sounds like you should start a journal with some pics :p

Ferts might be a good idea, you have quite a lot of plants in that list. Not sure what your lighting is?
I'm not sure off the top of my head what my lighting is lol - will check that.
My other option is a CO2 kit, as I can easily get my hands on one of these
I think that is the higher end spectrum of a low tech tank, maybe Ian can back me up... In such a small tank I would definately recommend easycarbo and some TPN+ alongside it will give you some nice healthy growth. Start with 6 hours a day of lighting and see how things go.
I've been reading up on other forums and the net about easycarbo and to me it seems like a reasonably good thing, quite simple to use (which is good - i dont like complicated things) and I can get Easycarbo from Ebay or Plantedtanks as i've just spotted it there. Where would I be able to get TPN+ from, and what exactly does it do? Again I've never heard of this.

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