Plants, Algae, Nitrogen, Carbon

Yeah keep it to 6 hours for the first couple of weeks I'd say. So glad you finally found them! Just wait until you've had them a while and they get all fed up nice. Their colours will be stunning!

Thanks for your help--AGAIN. :lol: Yes, I've been keeping the lights off till later in the day so that I can watch/love/monitor my tank after work.

It was so great about the espei's. I had asked my LFS to order some and he couldn't find any so I got the rummynoses. Well, those didn't work out and the store let me return them. At that point I decided to just have the betta and 6 corys for a while and let everything get settled. Then yesterday the store called because their supplier sent 150 espei's. :- Alrighty, back to the store I went to buy 8 of them which seems to be a good size school for my tank. I'm very excited! They've only been in my tank for ~3 hours and are swimming together and starting to color up. I can't wait to see them grow and really color up! And, what do you feed yours? Anything special for them?
I've got quite a mixed variety in my tank so I feel all sorts (which they gladly steal) but they will be fine with flake and the occasional live/frozen food :) Mine get frozen (but defrosted) food twice a week.
When I had my marine tank I only fed frozen food (well, once in a great while I used flake, but rarely). What type of frozen should I get?
They will eat anything TBH but bloodworm is always a fishy favorite. I also feed brine shrimp. Daphinia is highly recommended as well but none of mine seemed to like it :dunno:

I've been trying different things so I'll probably buy something else next time I'm shopping for some. My LFS do a mixed frozen food which seems interesting - like a buffet for my fish!
They will eat anything TBH but bloodworm is always a fishy favorite. I also feed brine shrimp. Daphinia is highly recommended as well but none of mine seemed to like it :dunno:

I've been trying different things so I'll probably buy something else next time I'm shopping for some. My LFS do a mixed frozen food which seems interesting - like a buffet for my fish!

Yum, a buffet. :lol:
Oh! I didn't even know it existed in a mini form, i'll need to check that out

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