Planting A Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2005
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I have a Trigon (coldwater) and recently I have completly got into the planting side in my tropical tank (12 gallon). It looks ace and the wife is at me to plant out the coldwater.

Problem is I tried before, put in some vallis, they were turned into stumps overnight.

A riccia slate was also "disappeared" overnight.

Has anyone had any success with planting coldwater tanks.

I have a moor, an oranda, bristlenose and a common goldie(rescued from a drinking machine) and some hk plecos.

They are either being underfed or will just eat all greenery in site.

Any advice???
Goldies love to chew on anything green. The plec as well will demolish most plants.
What temperature is the water? Ive had some success with java fern and amazon swords but they need warm water.
To be honest if you keep the common then most plants are going to get holes in them or become uprooted. You can get good fake plants that look realistic.
I had my 70litre tank planted for a good while....the only problems I had were with a glosso carpet which was excavated persistently despite my best efforts to keep it down!

It looked like this with CO2 and high light levels, and was growing faster than the fishies could munch it!


I later added some amazon sword at the back and a riccia slate, which also grew very well. The tank is/was unheated, but room temp seemed to be fine for good growth.

I am currently setting up a high tech planted 270 litre tank with the fancies in it initially....but I'll update you on how it goes -_-

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