Planted Trigon 350


Aug 5, 2009
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I have posted this in the planted journal section but thought i would share this with the general aquarium pictures too.

>350l juwel trigon (92g)
>1x 40w T8 "aquaworld aquawhite" bulb (soon to be t5)
>2x 15w T8 "aquaworld aquawhite" bulbs (soon to be t5)
>Substrate that i cant remember the name of, topped with black gravel
>Weekly dose of Flourish and easy carbo
>10-15% water changes a week

Any way on with some pictures. Let me know what you think and how i can improve.

How the tank looked before i moved house:

How the tank looked during the process:

How the tank looks now, replanted around the wood (excuse the rock, was the only thing i could use to hold the wood down):



The tank on 15th May


Update 8th June:



Update 2nd August



Update 5th august, rescaped.



So let me know what you think....

I am going to try and keep this updated with any new changes and to see the growth in the tank.

All comments welcome. Thank you.
Looks good, how do you find the trigon 350 for maintenance? They go quite far back so imagine it'd be hard to reach for planting the plants.
Awesome settup. Make sure you keep an eye on the PH as the guppies and mollies like higher ph levels than the barbs. There is a window of 7.0-7.4 PH before one or the other starts getting unhappy.

Optimal PH levels from Mardel labs.
Tetras, barbs, danios, angels 6.2-7.4

Guppies, platy 7.0-8.2

Cichlids and mollies 7.8-8.2
Awesome settup. Make sure you keep an eye on the PH as the guppies and mollies like higher ph levels than the barbs. There is a window of 7.0-7.4 PH before one or the other starts getting unhappy.

Optimal PH levels from Mardel labs.
Tetras, barbs, danios, angels 6.2-7.4

Guppies, platy 7.0-8.2

Cichlids and mollies 7.8-8.2

Most fish are quite happy within a wide range of pH. Most angels are commercially bred today, and can tolerate a much wider range of pHs than their wild-caught relatives. Check to see the source of the angels. "Tetras" cannot be grouped all together, it is important to know the individual species. Like angels, neon tetras, for example, are commercially bred, and tend to be very tolerant of a wide range of pH. And, while they are the minority, there are a few rivers in the Amazonian basin that are hard and alkaline, and the tetras from those bodies of water strongly prefer high pH.

And, in the end, my research has found that hardness is actually the most important factor to keep steady and match to. Most fish have internal mechanisms that allow them to regulate their pH very quickly and efficiently, but that regulation is dependent on water hardness.

Unless you are attempting to keep wild-caught or attempting to breed your fish, keeping the pH and hardness steady at whatever value your tap water comes in is almost always enough to allow your fish to have a long and healthy life.
Great angels, need more plants! :)

Get rid of the swordtails and platys, keep the angels and the roselines, neons also.
The angels are no longer in the tank, neither are the platys. The two female guppies will be gone to another tank soon as well.

And i had kept the angels and neons together fine as well no problems at all.
Looks good, how do you find the trigon 350 for maintenance? They go quite far back so imagine it'd be hard to reach for planting the plants.

I use a step ladder and have long arms :D and yea its not just how far they go back they are quite deep as well.
Latest picture added.

Bit of a mess at the moment, am going to have a tidy up and rescape later on today, adding a few more plants. Ill update with another picture of the finished article.
Thank you, i have rescaped now will upload pictures later just charging my camera. I moved and trimmed down the amazon swords as they were staring to take over. Now its looking a bit bare in the middle.
New pictures added, ive also had a clean up of the photos to make it easier to see the whole tanks progress.
New pictures added, ive also had a clean up of the photos to make it easier to see the whole tanks progress.
The tank looks great, i love the way you have the plant over the wood it looks so natural.

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