planted tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
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the mitten state
how much wuld it cost to makemy ten gllon tank a planted 10 gallon tank? can i use gravel as my subtrate? wat kind of plants do u suggest? if i need to kno more plz tell me
I would suggest asking thsi same quetion in "How does your garden Gow?" There are many aquarium plant experts there, and many of them have a planted tank. Good Luck,
fake plants...or if you dont want those use regular gravel with any kind of real plant you want...plant it heavily though....
Hi Infant, you did,nt mention what lighting you had so its hard to recomend any plant varieties. Gravel is great for growing plants although some varieties don,t like to be buried they have to be bound to a rock or driftwood with a rubber band or something. To save yourself some money, take the plants out of the containers and tease the individual stems apart. You can turn one 3 dollar pot into 6-8 smaller plants which will all thrive.
i recommend sand insead pf gravel. its better 2 bed ur plants in :) i use sand
infant340 said:
:no: hey nvm i dont think i have enough money for the plants anyway
Some plants are really cheap - much cheaper than plastic or silk ones. I bought a bunch of crypts the other day for £1.70 (about US $3). I divided the bunch into 5 so now I have 5 little plants that will grow into big plants. I've done the same with giant vallis - 2 plants turned into 8. My dwarf anubias was quite expensive (£6 for two, about $9) but I've got four plantlets off the main plants so far and the main plants have grown from little bunches of leaves to huge bushes. Likewise Java fern.

You don't need to buy loads of plants, just get a couple and then propagate them. The great thing about Java fern, anubias and some crypts is that they're low light plants so you don't even have to have a lot of fancy lighting.

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