Planted Tank Pictures Please! :d

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Does this look any better?  I thought maybe i could do rocks instead of wood.  (I already owned the rocks.) I used rubber bands to hold the plants on... I know that's not the best choice.  



By the way, would hygrophila polysperma be a plant I could grow?  (Without co2 and low light)
Yes you should be able to grow H. polysperma, it's an easy stem. None of the plants in my tank require CO2.

I like the left and right sides of your tank. I would move the rock in the middle so that it is off-centre.

You may be better using superglue to attack the plants to the rocks. As long as the ingredients is just cyanoacrylate then the superglue is safe for the aquarium. Fishing line is another good choice for tying plants.
Great!  Thanks!  
Let's say I get 2-3 more types of plants.  I already have java fern and anubias.  I'd like the plants to vary is size and looks-what would you recommend I get? 
Have a look at some cryptocoryne and echinodorus species. You can get a huge variety of leaf shapes and sizes between those two genuses.

Likewise you can get species of anubias and microsorum that vary in size, although you have one of each already, for example narrow leaf java fern or one of the larger anubias species.
Aren't most echinodorus species too big for a 10 gallon?  Also, are the crypts big tall plants?  I'd hate to buy a plant that would outgrow my tank.
Crypts would be perfect for your tank, most of them are foreground to mid sized. The vast majority of them are very easy care although a couple of varieties are a bit more demanding. Try combining the slender leaf shapes like nevilli/amicorum with the broad leaves like wendtii/petchii/beckettii.

You can get smaller varieties of echinodorus but I've never tried them to be honest. The standard swords would be too big, yes.
Another thing... :p  Does this look good or should I forget the stone path?  

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