Planted Tank Lighting Help


Mostly New Member
Jun 28, 2014
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I have a 100L tank with a aquael f24t5/D and his light isnt good enough as my plants are getting covered in Algae because of it can someone suggest a type
of bulb that is bright and make my tank look real nice and that helps my plant in every way possible.
How long are you leaving the lights on each day? What are your water parameters and tank stocking? Water change schedule? What sort of plants do you have and do you use any ferts?
I'm asking because the light may not be the main reason for algae.
The Algae won't be reduced by more light. You need to look at your ferts and flow.
Aye, if anything it's likely to be too bright if you're getting algae.
Or not enough fertilisers or CO2 or flow.
Options would be to reduce lighting duration or raise them slightly, or to go higher tech with fertilisers and CO2.
Higher lighting equals higher demand of ferts and co2

If your not looking into getting high tech then I would suggest changing light cycle to a shorter span.

Another option is to go excel route. This is feasible. But also dangerous territory for bba if not consistent
oh ok I have the light on from 7 in morning till 8 at night and switch it of after 8 until 7. I have loads of water flow and I have a  30cm airstone
Tank 1    100L :  6 glowlight tetras, 4 guppies, 4 red eye tetras, 2 golden balloon rams, 2 penguin tetras and 3 Melanistius Corydoras ohhh and one snail
Ahhh now timings may be a fair amount of your trouble there. I run my lights for 6 hours a day, you have 13 there. Try cutting the timings back to 6 hours (ideally when you're in to see them, run them dark if you're out at work during the day).
OOH ok tht helps alot thank you but it still does'nt explain how I have another 40L tank and the plants in tht one don't have any algae what so ever and I have two LED lights.
Tank 2     40L :  2 Guppies 30 Guppy Fry
I run my lights in two cycles: from 8:30 AM to 11:11, then from 4:20 to 11:11.
I have very low light on my tanks, less that .5W per gallon and I have ever seen any algae. I also have tons of shrimp.
l_l_l said:
I run my lights in two cycles: from 8:30 AM to 11:11, then from 4:20 to 11:11.
I have very low light on my tanks, less that .5W per gallon and I have ever seen any algae. I also have tons of shrimp.
thanks man

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