Planted Tank - 2nd attempt


Fish Crazy
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Windsor - Berkshire - UK
Can you see it? :unsure: -_- :unsure: -_-
If not I'm too embarrassed to try again - technophobia must have infected me! :*) :*)


  • Planted_Community01.JPG
    49.9 KB · Views: 66
Nice healthy looking tank there m8 :thumbs:

Plants look like they're doing really well.

Thanks for the compliments :*) :D

The tank only contains 2 types of plant and I haven't a clue what they are but they grow well and taking cuttings seems to be a doddle. In this tank I have:
2 x Bristle nose
?? x Sunset Platties (breeding well)
?? x Sword tails
5 x Zebra danios
1 x Fire Eel
1 x Golden Gourami
2 x Kuli Loaches
1 x Flying Fox

Would love to tank a "full frontal" of many of my tanks but can't :sly: Alas my fish house is long and thin and there isn't enough room to stand back and get such a photo! I'd have to knock a wall out and this seems a little extreme for a TOTM nomination.

I'll try some other photos now I'm getting over the bout of technophobia :lol:
Nice looking tank there Nik!
The long thin leaved plant at the back looks like a species of Hygrophila, may be Hygrophila corymbosa "angustifolia" or Hygrophila Lacustris? The other plant also looks like a Hygrophila, I think Hygrophila Polysperma? Can't really tell too well on the pic.
If so, they will grow very well and should be no problem propogating and filling several tanks! :lol:

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