Planted Rio 125 - New Filter Pix


Fish Crazy
Sep 3, 2004
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I have been away from the fish keeping hobby for a few years but recently I saw a lovely planted aquarium that inspired me to buy myself a new aquarium.

I have always particularly liked planted aquariums, and as most of my previous tanks were African lake biotopes, so this is a new challenge for me.

20x Cardinal Tetra
4x Black Neon Tetra
3x Panda Corydora
3x Apisto Agassizi (Double Red)
5x Spixi Apple Snails
2x Zebra Nerite Snails

2x Radican Swords
2x Mayacca Fluviatilis
3x Valisneria Spiralis
4x Nymphaea Bulbs (Stellata, Zenkeri, Red Tiger)



Please tell me what you think...... :good:
The tank looks really eye catching with a nice mixture of colours which seems to compliment it really well. As Biulu stated, would be nice to see this turned into a journal to give us a little more information.

I'm currently doing a journal on my 240l and its quite nice just to have feedback from the other members and it gives you something you can look back on over time to see how it has developed.
Looking good :) I would recommend adding another 5 cories to boost your group a little and then spot on :) if you wanted to be really picky, few more black neons aswell but thats about it! :) Good job.
really nice setup looks really natural

any plans on future stocking?
Many thanks for the comments, I will answer in more detail tomorrow, but for now, this is the best shot that I could manage to grab of the male Apisto.


He is a smashing little fish and when he displays to the females he looks superb.
that is one of the best setups and arrangements of plants ive seen in a while!!! its awesome :hyper:
i really like your little Apisto. hes colorful and cute!!
@ Biulu - Doing a journal would be a great idea, even if its only for my own reference.
I will definately have a go at doing one.

@ Jenclibee - Thanks for the welcome, but amazingly I have actually been a member since 2004... :blink: Must admit that I had no idea about that, I thought that I had discovered a great new forum....LOL..!!

@ SJ2K - I have never liked Corydoras and didn't want them in this SA set up. However, I saw some Panda Cory and thought that they looked pretty cool, so I bought a trio.
I am really pleased that I did, because they are really looking like great additions. I am sure that I will be getting another trio next time I visit my LFS.
I have a bit of a dilemma with the Black Neons though.
I can't decide whether to keep them or replace them with some Diamond Tetra instead. This will contrast really well with the Cardinal Tetra that I have.

@ George - As I mention, I am juggling with the idea of swapping the Black Neon Tetra for Diamond Tetra, but I think that I do still have room for a "feature" fish.
Again I am undecided whether to add an Angel to the upper levels.

@ Oceanchic - Thanks for the comments, but I have just noticed that the photo is of the subordinate male Apisto.
Actually my dominant male has even more colourful, deep orange finnage.

Thanks again to everyone for the compliments and the encouragement..... :good:
Spent ages trying to get a shot of the dominant Apisto until fianally I got one almost half decent photo.


@ Million - Just the standard T5 light unit that came supplied with the tank.
No C02 injected, but 10ml of Nutrafin plant growth once per week.
A crappy photo but at least you can see that my female Apisto are looking good and yellow.

I just won an Ebay auction for some C02 equipment.
Hopefully that will give my plants a boost, especially as I have two really nice plants coming later this week.
really nice :good:

looks so realistic thats definately one of the best tanks ive seen

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